单词 | character |
释义 | character /kaeroktXr); 'kaenkt/ n 1 [U] (of a person, community, race, etc) mental or moral nature; mental or moral qualities that make one person, race, etc different from others: (指个人、 社会、民族等之) 天性; 性情; 性格; 特质; 个性: a woman of fine/strong/noble, etc ~; 性情很好 (个性很强,气质高贵等) 之女人; the ~ of Julius Ccesar/of the French. 朱利阿斯西撒 (法国民族) 的性格。 in/out of ~, appropriate./inappropriate to the actions, etc known to be in accord with a person's ~. (指行为等) 合 (不合) 于个性。 2 [U] moral strength: 道德的力量; 品格: a man of ~. 有品格的人。 Should ~ building be the chief aim of education? 品格的培养应该是敎育的主要目的吗? 3 [U] all those qualities that make a thing, place, etc what it is and different from others: (事物、地方等与其他不同之) 特点; 特质; 特征; 特性: the ~ of the desert areas of N Africa. 北非洲沙漠地区之特质。 4 [C] person who is well known: 出名的人; 闻人: a public ~; 社会知名之士; person in a novel, play, etc: (小说、戏剧等中的) 角色; 人物:功 e ~s in the novels of Charles Dickens; 狄吏新小说中的人物; person who is in some ways unusual: 芙些方商不爪常的人: He's quite a ~, has peculiarities of his own, is not an average or typical sort of person. 他是个很特殊的人物。 .' ~ actor n one who specialises in portraying unusual or eccentric people. 性格演员 (善于饰演奇特人物之演员) 。 5 [C] (old use) description of a person's abilities and qualities, esp in a letter by an employer, that may be used when applying for a job (testimonial is now the usu word). (旧用法) 雇主对于雇员之能力和品行所出的证明信 (可用以另外求职者; 现通常用 testimonial) → 6 [C] reputation: 名 G: He has gained the ~ of a miser. 他博得了一个寻财奴之名。 ‘7 [C] letter, sign, mark, etc used in a system of writing or printing: 文字; 字母: Greek/Chinese, etc ~s. 希腊字母 (汉字等) 。 -is-tic / (kaerakta'nstik; zkaBnkta'ristik/ adj forming part of, showing, the ~ of: 构成…的性格之一部份的; 表明…的性格的; 性格中所特有的; 特别的: with his —istic enthusiasm. 以他所特有的热心。 /fs ~istic of him, It's what people would expect him to do, because of his ~. 那是他的特殊作风。 n [C] special mark or quality: 特点; 特质; 特性:特色:样成: What are the ~istics that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese? 中国人与日本人不同的特质是什么? ~.istically /aerakta'nstikli; ykaerikta'nstikli/ adv '~ize vt [VP6A] show the ~ of; give ~ to; mark in a special way: 显示…之特征; 赋予…特征; 以特别的方式标明: Your work is ~ized by lack of attention to detail. 你的工作的特点是不注意细节。 The camel is ~ized by the ability to go for long periods without water. 骆驼的特点是能够长期行走而不喝水。 ~less adj without ~; undistinguished; ordinary. 无特点的; 无特色的; 不出众的; 平常的。 in a game in which a word is guessed by the SMoolcers after the word itself, and each syllable of it in turn, have been suggested by acting a little play; (pl, with sing v) this garni; (fig) action of no or sham significance; pretence. 比手画脚猜字游戏的谜面 (借短短的表演暗示一字及其每一音节然后令观者猜系何字); (复) (与单数动词连用) 比手画脚猜字游戏; (喻) 无意义的行为; 虚伪的行为; 假装。 |
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