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单词 challenge
释义 challenge /'tfaelinds; 'tfaelindj/ n 1 invitation or call to play a game, run a race, have a fight, etc to see who is better, stronger, etc. 邀请比赛 (以较最高低); 挑战 (以定强弱等) 。 2 order given by a sentry to stop and explain who one is: (哨兵令人止步并说明身份的) 口令: ’Who goes there?' is the ~. '甚么人?'便是哨兵的口令。 vt [VP6A, 17, 14] ~ (to), give, send, be, a ~ to; ask for facts (to support a statement, etc): 向…挑战; 要求提出事实 (以证明一项陈述等); 提出异议; 质问: ~ sb to a duel; 向某人要求决斗; ~ sb to fight; 向某人挑战; ~ sb's right to do sth; 对某人作某事的权利提出异议; ~ a juryman, (legal)object to his being a member of the jury. (法律) 对一陪审员的身份提出异议 (反对其为陪审员) 。 challenger n one who ~s. 挑战者; 质问者; 诘难者。




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