单词 | chain |
释义 | chain /tjein; tfen/ n 1 flexible line of connected rings or links for connecting, continuing, restraining, ornamenting, etc, the illus at bicycle; (pl) fetters of this kind, used for prisoners. (由若宇圈环连接而成之可弯曲的) 链子; 链条 (用以连接、接绩、限制、 装饰等) (参看 bicycle 之插图); (复) (用于囚犯的) 镣铃。 in ~s, kept as a prisoner or slave. 被囚禁; 为奴隶。 2 number of connected things, events, etc: 一系列; 一连串 (事物、事件等): a ~ of mountains/ ideas/events/proof. ( 一系列的制念; 一连串的事件; 一系列的证据 3 measure of length (66 ft). 测链 (长度单位,等于 66 呎) 。→ App 5. 参看附录五。 4 (compounds) (复合字) '~-armour/-mail, armour made of metal rings linked together. 用金属圈连接成的甲胄; 锁子甲。 → the illus at armour. 参看 armour 之插图。'gang, gang of convicts fastened together with ~s while at work outside their prison. 用铁链系在一起在监狱外面做工的一群囚犯。 '~-letter, letter of which the recipient is asked to make copies to be sent to other persons, who will do the same. 连锁书信 (要求收信人照抄若干份转寄他人,而他人又同样抄寄他人者) 。 ' ~ reaction, chemical change forming products that themselves cause more changes so that the process is repeated again and again (as in the atomic bomb). 连锁反应 (变化之产物能引起更多变化之一连串化学反应,如原子弹中者) 。 '~-smoker, person who smokes cigarettes in continuous succession. 一支接一支地抽香烟的人。 '~-stitch, kind of sewing in which each stitch makes a loop through which the next stitch is taken. (每一针脚打一个圈由次一针脚穿入之) 链形缝法; 连锁针脚。' ~-store, one of many retail shops owned and controlled by the same company. 连锁商店 (由同一公司所经营管理的许多零售商店之一) 。 vt [VP6A, 15A, B] make fast with a ~ or ~s: 用铁链锁住: The, prisoners were ~ed to the wall. 囚犯们被铁链锁在墙上。 C~ up your dog 把你的狗用链子拴起来。 |
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