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单词 ceremony
释义 ceremony /'senmani US: -maunx; 'scrmoni/ n (pl -nies) 1 [C] special act(s), religious service, etc on an occasion such as a wedding, funeral, cereals the opening of a new public building, etc. 典礼; 仪式 (如为结婚、送葬、新公共建筑物开幕等场合所举行者) 。 ,Master of 'Ceremonies n person in charge of such formal proceedings. 司仪。 2 [U] behaviour required by social customs, esp among officials, people of a special group, etc: (社会风俗所要求的) 礼节; 礼貌 (尤指行于官员、特殊团体人士等之间者): There's no need for ~ between friends. 朋友之间不必拘礼。 There's too much' ~ on official occasions. 在正式的场合礼节太多。 stand on ~, pay great attention to rules of behaviour: 极注意礼节; 拘于礼节: Please don't stand on ~, please be natural and easy. 请勿拘礼; 请不要客气。




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