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单词 敲门砖

敲门砖qiāo mén zhuān

a brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served its purpose—a steping-stone to success; a means to finding favour with influential people
❍ 在三四十年前,凡有企图获得权势的人,就是希望做官的人,都是读《四书》和《五经》,做“八股”,别一些人就将这些书籍和文章,统名之为“~”。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文二集·在现代中国的孔夫子》83) Thirty or forty years ago when all who wanted power,that is,hoped to become officials,used to study the Four Books and the Five Classics and write “bagu”essays,others dubbed these books and essays “bricks to knock on doors”./所谓韧,就是不要象前清做八股文的 “~”似的办法。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—100) By resillient I do not mean like those Qing dynasty scholars who used the examination essays as “a brick to open the door.”

敲门砖qiao men zhuan

a brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served it purpose—a steppingstone to success


brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served its purpose—a mere tool to achieve one’s aim;a stepping stone to success





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更新时间:2025/3/3 4:39:01