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❶ (在物体上面打; 击) knock; beat; strike: ~ 警钟 sound the alarm; ~ 锣打鼓迎新年 usher in the new year with drums and gongs; beat drums and gongs to greet the new year; 你能把这钉子 ~ 进木头里去吗? Can you knock this nail into the wood? 他 ~ 了三次门。 He struck three times on the door. 有人在 ~ 窗子。 Somebody is knocking on the window. 钟刚 ~ 过四点。 The clock has just struck four.
❷ [口] (敲竹杠; 敲诈) overcharge; fleece sb.: 他被 ~ 去十块钱。 He was stung for ten yuan. 他们 ~ 了你多少钱? How much did they sting you for?
◆敲边鼓 beat the drum on the side; back sb. up; egg sb. on by lending him moral support; speak a good word indirectly for sb.; speak on behalf of sb.; speak or act to assist sb.; speak to assist sb.; 敲打 beat; strike; rap; tap; percuss; say sth. to irritate sb.; 敲定 fix; settle; come to an agreement; with sarcastic words; bang the hammer to decide; decide finally; 敲鼓者 drumbeater; 敲骨吸髓 suck the lifeblood of; beating the bones and sucking out their marrow — extreme exploitation;bleed the (poor) people white; break the bones and suck the marrow; cruel, blood ̄ sucking exploitation;milk sb. dry; wring every ounce of sweat and blood out of sb.; 敲击 tunk; tonk; peen ̄ing; knocking; slap; 敲警钟 sound the alarm; raise an alarm; give a warning; sound the note of warning to would-be offenders; 敲锣打鼓 beat gongs and sound drums; beat drums and clang gongs; beat drums and strike gongs; pound on the gongs and drums; to the accompaniment of gongs and drums; with drums beating and cymbals clashing; with eagerness and zest; 敲门 knock at [on] a door; 敲门砖 a brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served one's purpose — a stepping-stone to success; ways and means to seek favour; 敲敲打打 provoke with words; 敲丧钟 knell; 敲响 ring; 敲诈 extort; blackmail; racketeer; 敲诈勒索 blackmail and impose exactions on; carry out extortion; exact extortionate prices; extort and racketeer; extort money by [under] false pretenses; extort money from sb.; force sb. to pay by blackmailing him; practise blackmail; swagger sb. out of his money; extortion; 敲钟 toll; 敲竹杠 fleece; take advantage of sb.'s being in a weak position to overcharge him; highway robbery; make sb. pay through the nose; make sb. squeal; overcharge; put the lug on sb.; soak; sharp practice; sponge on sb.





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