敬jìnɡⅠ ❶ (尊敬) respect;esteem: 致 ~ pay one's respects;salute; 尊 ~ respect;esteem;honour ❷ (有礼貌地送上) offer politely: ~ 茶 serve tea;~ 烟 offer a cigarette;~ 你一杯 ! To your health! Ⅱ (恭敬) respectfully: ~ 候光临 respectfully await your presence Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 晖 Jing Hui ◆敬爱 respect and love;esteem; 敬辞 term of respect;polite expression; 敬而远之 keep sb. at a distance;courteously stand [hold;keep] aloof from sb.;give sb. a wide berth;keep at a respectful distance;keep away from sb. as much as [as far away as] possible;keep sb. at arm's length; 敬奉 piously worship;offer respectfully;present politely; 敬贺 congratulate sb. on sth.;offer congratulations; 敬酒 propose a toast;toast; 敬酒不吃吃罚酒 refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit — submit to sb.'s pressure after first turning down his request;be constrained to do what one at first declined; 敬老抚幼 respect the aged people and protect the young;show respect for the aged and love for [look after] the young; 敬老节 Day for Respecting the Aged;Day for the Old; 敬老院 home of respect for the aged;old folks' home;geracomium; 敬老尊贤 honor the aged and the wise; 敬礼 salute;give a salute; extend one's greetings; 敬慕 worship; 敬佩 esteem;admire;express admiration for;have a great esteem for; 敬请斧正 Will you be kind enough to prune?;敬请光临 The favour of your presence is requested.;Please vouchsafe me a visit.; 敬请惠顾[临] Your patronage is requested.; 敬请指教 Please give me your advice.;humbly request your advice; 敬人者人恒敬之 Respect a man,he will do the more.; 敬若神明 (He) paid to sb. [sth.] the same respect (he) would have offered to a god.; 敬如上宾 treat sb. as an honored guest; 敬上 truly yours;yours truly; 敬师尊长 respect one's elders and teachers; 敬挽 with deep condolences from sb.; 敬畏 hold in awe and veneration;revere; 敬惜字纸 preserve waste paper with writings on it;cherish paper bearing written or printed words; 敬贤礼士 treat able men and scholars with the greatest courtesy;respect wisdom and revere scholarship; 敬献 offer respectfully;present politely; 敬仰 revere;venerate;admire;look up to; 敬业乐群 respect work and enjoy company; 敬意 respect;tribute;regards;salute;esteem; 敬赠 respectfully presented by; 敬长抚幼 respect for elders and care for youngsters; 敬重 highly esteem;look up to with great respect;deeply respect;revere;honour 敬respect;honor;esteem;revere 致~pay one’s respect;salute |