释义 |
敢ɡǎnⅠ ❶ (有胆量做某事) dare;venture:~ 想、~ 说、 ~ 干 dare to think,dare to speak and dare to act; 他们怎么 ~ 做出这样的事? How dared they do such a thing? 我不 ~ 再往前走一步。 I won't venture a step farther. ❷ (有把握做某种判断) have the confidence to;be certain;be sure:我不 ~ 说他究竟哪一天去。 I'm not sure just what day he will leave. ❸ [书] (谦辞,表示冒昧地请求别人) make bold;venture:~ 请 I venture to ask;May I venture to ask Ⅱ (有勇气;有胆量) bold;courageous;daring;brave:勇~ brave enough; 果 ~ courageous and resolute Ⅲ [方] (莫非;怕是) perhaps;probably:~ 是你不愿意。 Maybe you are not willing. ◆敢不从命 How dare one not comply with sb.'s wish?;How dare one not obey sb.'s order?;敢布腹心 make frank statement without reservations;speak boldly from the depth of one's heart; 敢冲敢打 have courage and the will to fight; 敢怒而不敢言 feel indignant but not dare to speak out;be forced to keep one's resentment to oneself;be furious,but not dare to say anything;choke with silent fury;daring to be angry,but not daring to show it in speech;hold back one's anger and not dare to speak out;hold one's tongue with pent-up indignation;suppress one's rage; 敢攀高峰 dare to scale the heights; 敢情 [方] why;so;I say;of course;indeed;really; 敢是 maybe;possibly; 敢说敢做 dare to speak and dare to act; 敢死队 dare-to-die corps;forlorn hope; 敢想敢干 have the courage to think and act;dare [venture] to think and do;dare to use one's head and dare to act; 敢想敢说 dare to think and speak;be bold in one's thinking and speech; 敢于 dare to;be bold in;have the courage to; 敢在太岁头上动土 dare to leap on an earth god's head to make trouble;provoke sb. far superior in power [in strength];敢做敢当 dare to act and dare to bear responsibility;be bold enough to do sth. and accept responsibility for it;have the courage to accept the consequence of one's doing; 敢作敢为 dare to do everything;act with courage and determination;be afraid of no difficulties;decisive and bold in action;be ready to take responsibility.;do sth. in disregard of possible dangers;have the courage or boldness to do [attempt] anything;make bold to ...;take one's courage in both hands; 敢字当头 put daring above all else;put the word “dare” above everything else |