释义 |
教育teach;educate ~是兴国之本, 更是百年大计。 Education is fundamental to a country’s enduring prosperity./~要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来。Education should be geared to the needs of modernization,the world and the future./人人受~ education for all/传统~ traditional schooling/基础~basic education(包括小学和初中)/普及基础~universal primary education (UPE)/全民~ education for all /素质~ all round education;competence-oriented education; ability-oriented education/义务~ compulsory education/幼儿~ early childhood education/职业~vocational education/终身~continuing education/初等~elementary education/中等~secondary education/高等~higher (or tertiary) education/受~be educated/受~的机会access to education/受~的权利right to education/~财政education finance/~程度level of education;educational attainment;educational status/~家educationist; educator/ ~界educational circles/~立法education legislation/~乱收费arbitary educational charges;unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions/~思想concepts of education;guiding ideology for education work/~体制改革reform of the educational system/~信息化apply IT to education/~行政管理体制system of educational administration/~行政人员educational administrator/~学pedagogics;pedagogy/~质量quality of education /~制度system of education/~机构 educational establishment;educational institution/~的发展educational advancement/~革新 educational innovation/~自主educational autonomy/~补助金education grant/~学院education college 相关词汇 《九年制义务教育法》 9-year Compulsory Education Law 中央和地方共同办学co-financing by central and local governments for education 扩大受教育机会,提高教育质量 improve education access and quality 公立学校public school 民办学校private schooling;people-run school 重点学校good quality school;key school;selected school 理工专科学校poly technic 电脑派位入学computer-based lottery to assign primary graduates to middle schools 就近上学 provide for schools within easy walking distance (or where children live,within the catchment area) 学校为主的管理模式school-based management (SBM) 一支稳定的、高素质的教师队伍 a stable and qualified teaching force 师资力量流失 massive flow of competent teachers from A to B 教师工资激励机制 incentive-based teacher salary scheme 拖欠教师工资 delayed payment of teacher salary 一味注重知识的掌握,疏忽学生独立思考和应用能力schooling focus on acquisition of knowledge,less on students’ability to think independently and apply to new situation |