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单词 救亡图存

救亡图存jiù wáng tú cún

save the nation from doom (/subjugation) and ensure its survival
❍ 我们愿意同你们结成一个坚固的革命的统一战线,如像一九二四年至一九二七年中国伟大的革命时期两党结成反对民族压迫和封建压迫的伟大的统一战线一样。因为这是今日~的唯一正确的道路。(《毛泽东选集》229) We are ready to form with you a solid revolutionary united front like that of the great revolutionary period of 1924—27against imperialist and feudal oppression,for this is the only correct way today to save the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival.
❍ 中国共产党在革命斗争中的伟大的历史成就,使得今天处在民族敌人侵入的紧急关头的中国有了~的条件……(《毛泽东选集》169)The Party’s great historic achievements in its re volutionary struggles have provided the prerequisite for the survival and salvation of China at this critical juncture when she is being invaded by a national enemy; …

救亡图存jiu wang tu cun

save the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival

救亡图存jiù wánɡ tú cún

拯救国家的危亡,谋求民族的生存。save the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival, save one’s country so that it may survive





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:02:39