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❶ (援助使脱离灾难或危险) rescue;save;salvage: 呼 ~ call out for help;send out SOS signals;
病人得 ~ 了。The patient was saved. 你 ~ 了我的命。You have saved my life. 她被从着火的大楼里 ~ 了出来。 She was rescued from a burning building.
❷ (援助人、物使免于灾难、危险) help;relieve;succour: 生产自 ~ tide over a disaster by production;
他们决定不依靠外援来 ~ 灾。 They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 仁 Jiu Ren
◆救兵 relief troops;reinforcements;
救兵如火 The urgency to despatch relieving troops [reinforcements] is similar to that of fire-fighting.;
救出火坑 save sb. from an abyss of suffering [the living hell];救国 save the nation;
救国救民 save the country and the people;save the country and people from (an) impending danger;
救荒 send relief to a famine area;help to tide over a crop failure;
救活 bring sb. back to life;
救火 fire fighting;
救急 help sb. to cope with an emergency;help meet an urgent need;
救急不救穷 One may give financial aid to others in an emergency,but should not do so if they are perennially in need of money.;
救济 relieve;succour;
救苦救难 help people in distress;bring sb. out of the pit of misery;
救命 save sb.'s life;Help!;救命稻草 a life-saving straw;a straw to clutch at;
救命之恩终身不忘 You saved my life and I shall never forget it.;
救贫济老 help the poor and the old;
救球 follow the ball;
救人救彻 save a person you must save him thoroughly [totally];救人救到底,送人送到家 If you want to help,go the whole hog and if you see someone off,see him home.;
救人一命,胜造七级浮屠 To rescue one person from death is better than to build a seven-storied pagoda for the god.;Better save one life than build a seven-storied pagoda.;
救生 lifesaving;
救生艇 lifeboat;
救世主 {宗} the Saviour;the Redeemer;
救死扶伤 heal the wounded and rescue the dying;retrieve the dying or rescue the wounded;
救亡 save the nation from extinction;
救亡图存 save one's country so that it may survive;save the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival;
救险车 wrecking truck;wrecking car;
救险井 well;
救险起重车 breakdown lorry;breakdown vehicle;
救险起重机 wreck crane;
救星 liberator;emancipator;saviour;delive rer;
救援 rescue;come to sb.'s help [rescue];救灾 provide disaster relief;help the people tide over a natural disaster;relieve the victims of a disaster;send relief to a disaster area;
救治 bring a patient out of danger;treat and cure;
救助 help sb. in danger or difficulty;succour





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