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单词 放长线,钓大鱼

放长线,钓大鱼fàng cháng xiàn,diào dà yú

throwa long line to catch a big fish—adopt a long-term plan to secure sth big; go after sth big with foresight
❍ 老五叔偏偏又弄什么~的妙计,这一回可好,鱼没钓着,连鱼食也丢了。(峻青《黎明的河边》153) But you would have it that if we gave him a long enough cord we should catch even bigger fish. Well,you’ve got no fish by it…even the bait is gone.
❍ 我们不妨看看他们如何活动,~,说不定深水里还有大家伙。(周立波《山乡巨变》272) There’s no harm in our keeping an eye on the sort of activities they engage in. Throw a long line to catch big fish; who knows,there may be a really big fellow lying in the deep water.
❍ 区长的意思,要~,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》118) Director Yan’s idea was to trail a long line in order to catch the big fish.

放长线,钓大鱼fang chang xian,diao da yu

throw a long line to catch a hig fish—adopt a longterm plan to secure sth. big


throw a long line to catch a big fish;devise a long-term plan to secure sth big

放长线,钓大鱼fànɡ chánɡ xiàn,diào dà yú

比喻为达到目的而做长远打算。adopt a long-term plan to secure sth. big, go after sth. big with foresight, trail a long line in order to catch a big fish





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