单词 | carry |
释义 | carry1 /'kaen; 'kaen/ vt, vi (pt, pp carried) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, c11 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用之用法,参看下列第 11 义。) 1 [VP6A 15A, B] support the weight of and move from place to place; take a person, a message, etc from one place to another: 携带; 搬运; 传送; 将 (人、信息等) 由甲地运送至乙地: He was ~ing a box on his shoulder. 他的肩上扛着一宴箱子。 She was ~ing the baby in her arms. 她怀市抱善婴儿。 Railways and ships ~ goods. 铁路及船船运输货物。 He carried (— went round and told) the news to everyone in the village. 他将消息传吿村中每一个人。 He ran off as fast as his legs could ~ him, as fast as he could run. 他尽快飞奔而去。 This bicycle has carried me 500 miles. 这部脚踏车已载我跑了五百哩路。 How far will five gallons of petrol ~ you? 五加仑汽油可 (载你) 跑多少路? Some kinds of seeds are carried by the wind for great distances. 有些种类的种子借风力送到远的地方 a The raft was carried by ocean currents to a small island. 该筏被大洋的水流飘送至一小岛。 A spy carries his life in his hands, takes the risk of death. 间谍随时有死亡的危险。 '~-cot n light cot with handles (but no wheels) for ~ing a baby. (轻便有把手,但无轮子的) 婴儿床。 2 [VP6A, 15A] have with one; wear; possess: 带着; 亦着; 有: Do you always ~ an umbrella? 你总是带伞吗? Ought the police to be allowed to ~ fire-arms? 警察应被准许携带武器吗? I never ~ much money with me. 我身边从来不带很多钱。 Can you ~ all these figures in your head, remember them without writing them down? 你能仅凭脑筋记得所有这些数字吗? The wound left a scar that he will ~ with him to the grave, that will remain for life. 那伤口给他留下了一个一辈子也去不掉的疤痕。 3 [VP6A] support: 支持; 支撑: These pillars ~ the weight of the roof. 这些柱子支撑屋顶的重量。 The girders are carried on trestles. 这些大梁是由支架撑着。 4 [VP6A] involve; entail; have as a result: 含有; 具有; 使负担; 有某种后果: The loan carries 3% interest. 该贷款负担百分之三点五的利息。 That argument does not ~ conviction, is not convincing. 该论据不能令人折服。 Power carries responsibility with it. 权力本身亦含有责任。 His word/ promise carries weight, is influential. 他的话 (承话 ) 具有分量 (有影响力) 。 5 [VP6A, 15A] (of pipes, wires, etc) conduct; take: (M管子, 金属丝韵输井传导: The oil is carried across the desert in pipe-lines. 石油用管子送过沙漠。 Copper carries electricity. 铜能蔺电。 6 [VP15A] make longer; extend; take (to a specified point, in a specified direction, etc): 使延长; 伸展; 使延伸 (至某一点、向某一方向等): ~ a fence round afield; 延伸篱笆使围起一块地; ~ pipes under a street; 将管子从街道下面延伸; ~ a joke too far, be no longer amusing. 把一则笑话说得太长 (不再有趣) 。 Don't ~ modesty too far. 不要谦虚得过份。 7 [VP6A, 15A] win; capture; persuade; overcome: 赢得; 夺得; 说麻; 克服: The soldiers rushed forward and carried the enemy's position. 士兵们冲上去夺得敌人的阵地 0e carried his audience with him, won their sympathy and agreement. 他博得了听众而赞同 oThe bill/motion/resolution was carried, there were more votes for it than against it. 该提案 (动议,决议) 业经表决通过。 ~ the day, be victorious. 得胜; 胜利。 ~ everything before one. be completely successful. 万嘻如意; 完全成功。 ~ oie's point, win approval for it. 意见获得赞同。 8 [VP6A, 15A, 16B] hold oneself/one's head/one's body in a specified way: (使肖己、头部、身体) 做出某种姿势或施态: He carries himself like a soldier, stands and walks like one. 他而举止行动像个军人。 She carries herself badly, eg by slouching or stooping. 她的体态欠佳 (懒散或弯膑鸵背) 。 9 [VP2B, C] (of guns) send a shell, etc a certain distance; (of missiles, sounds, voices, etc) have the power to go to: (指枪炮) 将 (炮弹等) 射至某一距离; (指发射物、声音、语音等) 能达及; 能射至; 能传至:“ guns do not ~ far enough. 我们的炮射程不掳远。 The sound of the guns carried many miles. 枪炮的声咅传至许多哩远。 The shot carried 200 metres. 那『弹射至二百公尺远。 A public speaker must have a voice that carries well. 演说家必须有很远都能听到的 (洪亮的) 嗓 ”。 10 [VP6A] (of a newspaper, etc) print in its pages: (指报纸等) 登载; 刊出: a newspaper that carries several pages of advertisements. 登载有数版广吿的一份报纸。 11 [VP15B, 2C] (with adverbial particles and preps) : (与副词接语及介词连用): carry sb/sth away, a (usu passive) cause to lose self-control: (通常用被动语态) 使失去自我控制力; 使失去理智: He was carried away by his enthusiasm, was so enthusiastic that he was unable to judge calmly, etc. 他因太热情而失去理智。 b (naut) lose (masts, etc) by breaking: (航海) 因折断而失去 (桅等): The ship's masts were carried away during the storm. 该船的帆樯在暴风雨中全被折断。 carry sb back, take back in the memory: 使忆起: an incident that carried me back to my schooldays, caused me to recall them. 一件使我忆起学生时代的偶然事件。 carry sth forward, (comm, book-keeping) transfer (a total of figures on a page) to the head of a new column or page. (商,簿记) 将 (一页的总数) 转记于另一页或另一栏的开头; 延后; 结转; 过次。 carry sth off, win: 编得: Tom carried off all the school prizes. 汤姆把学校里的奖品都得来了。 ~ it/ sth off (well), succeed in a difficult situation; cover a mistake, etc. 在困难环境中获得成功; 将错误等掩饰起来。 carry (sth) on, a conduct; manage: 进行; 经营: Rising costs made it hard to ~ on the business. 上涨的成本使生意难做。 It's difficult to ~ on a conversation at a noisy party. 在暄闹的宴会中谈话困难。 b talk volubly and complainingly; behave strangely or suspiciously: 滔滔不绝而带牢骚地谈话; 行为奇特或令人起疑: How she does ~ 。纪她真是滔滔不绝,牢騒满腹! Did you notice how they were ~ing on? 你注意到他们的行为多奇怪吗? Hence, 由此产生, ~ings-on n pl: Such queer carfyings-on next door, such queer happenings! 隔壁邻家居然发生了如此奇怪的事情! ~ on (with), continue (doing sth): 继续 (做某事): C~ on (with your work) WK 做 (你的工作) 。 They decided to ~ on in spite of the weather. 不管天气如何他们决定继续做下去。 ~ (an affair) (with), (often suggesting disapproval) flirt with; have a love affair with: (常表示不赞许) 调情; 与…表爱: His wife is ~ing on with the postman. 他的妻子正在和邮差调情。 (sth) to ~ on with. (sth) (to do or use) for the time being: 暂时使用 (某物); 凑合着用 (某物): I can't give you all you need, but here's £5 to ~ on/be ~ing on with. 我不能给你所需的一切, 不过这里是五镑钱供你暂时之用。 carry sth out. a do as required or specified; fulfil; complete: ★行; 完成: ~ out a promise/ threat/plan/instruction. 实践诺言 (实行威胁; 实现计划; 完成命令) 。 b perform; conduct: 进行: ~ out experiments/tests. 进行试验。 carry sb/sth through, a help (through difficulties, etc): 帮助 (度过难关等): Their courage will ~ them through. 他们的勇气将会使他们度过难关。 b complete; fulfil: 完成: Having made a promise, you must ~ it through. 既已许下承诺,你必须完成它 (履行) 。 |
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