单词 | pig |
释义 | pig/pɪɡ/ n;vt [-gg-] n (1) 1) (野)猪 (farm or wild animal with short legs and a flat round nose) [C]: The farm raises cows, chickens, and~s. 这个农场养牛、鸡和猪。P~s are often kept on farms for their meat. 农场经常养猪以获取猪肉。2)猪肉 (its flesh eaten as pork, ham or bacon) [U] (=pig-meat); (2) 1)猪一般的人(指肮脏、贪婪、不体谅别人、脾气不好的人) (person who is dirty, greedy, inconsiderate or ill-mannered) [C] (infml) (derog): You~! You've eaten the whole cake! 你这馋猪,把蛋糕都吃光了!Don't be such a~! 别这么一副猪相!〖同〗piggy; 2)难以完成的工作,难以解决的问题 (difficult task or problem) [C] (infml) (derog): This sum is a~. 这道算术题太难了。a~of a job/an exam/a day 一件难做的活儿/一次很难的考试/艰难的一天; (3) 1)铁(铅)锭 (rough long piece of cast metal, esp iron or lead) [C]: 2) 生铁 (impure form of iron obtained directly from a blast furnace) [U] (= pig iron); (4)警察(policeman) [C] (derog) (sl); make a pig of oneself 吃得过多: I really made a~of myself at dinner last night. 我昨天晚饭真是吃得太多了。 make a pig's ear (out) of sth 把事情做坏: He made a~'s ear (out) of repairing his car. 他把自己的汽车给修坏了。 pig/piggy in the middle 夹在(打架或争吵两方)中间的人,受夹板气的人: The government and the trade unions are still arguing violently and until they reach agreement ordinary~s in the middle like ourselves will have to continue suffering the effects of rising prices. 政府和工会仍然在进行激烈的辩论,在他们达成一致之前,我们这些夹在中间的人还得继续遭受物价上涨之苦。 pigs might fly 不可能(用于表示不相信) (prov): “We might have fine weather for our holiday.” “Yes, and~s might fly!” “我们度假时天气可能会不错。” “绝对不可能!” →′piggery n 养猪的地方;养猪场;猪圈;′piggish adj 像猪一样的;肮脏的;贪婪的;′piggishly adv 像猪一样地;肮脏地;贪婪地;′piggishness n 肮脏;贪婪;讨厌;′piggy n 小猪;adj 像猪一样的;肮脏的;贪婪的;′piggyback adv 扛在肩上,背在背上;′piggy-bank n (形状像猪的)存钱匣;pig-′headed adj 固执的;pig-′headedly adv 固执地;pig-′headedness n 固执;′pig-iron n 生铁;′piglet n 小猪;′pigskin n 猪皮;′pigsty (AmE ′pigpen) n 猪圈;非常肮脏和不整洁的地方;′pigswill n 猪食; vt 吃得过多,贪婪地吃 (overeat greedily) [T+n]:~oneself 贪婪地吃; pig it/pig together 过猪一样的生活(如和别人挤在一起住或住在肮脏的地方),生活或行为方面邋遢: As a child, I always wanted a room of my own, but had to~together with my brothers in one small bedroom. 我小的时候总想有一间自己的房间,但是我得和我的兄弟们挤在一间小卧室里。 |
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