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单词 改过自新

改过自新gǎi guò zì xīn

amend (/mend) one’s ways;become a new man; correct one’s errors and make a fresh start; give up one’s bad ways and live a new life;mend one’s faults and make a new beginning; rectify one’s life; redeem one’s character;reform oneself;repent and reform; start with a clean slate; turn over a new leaf
❍ 妾伤夫死者不可复生,刑者不可复属,虽复欲~,其道无由也。(《史记·孝文本纪》427) I grieve to think that those who are dead can never return to life again,and those who have suffered mutilating punishments can never again be like other men. Thus,though they might hope to mend their errors and make a new beginning,the way is forever cut off.
❍ 德至厚,当~。(《史记·吴王濞列传》2825) It was only proper that after this the king should have mended his fault and made a new start.

改过自新gai guo zi xin

correct one’ s errors and make a fresh start


correct one’s errors (or mistakes)and make a fresh start; mend one’s ways and start afresh;turn over a new leaf

改过自新ɡǎi ɡuò zì xīn

过:过失。改正错误,重新做人。turn over a new leaf, lead a new life, mend one’ s ways, become a new man





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:20:21