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单词 改头换面

改头换面gǎi tóu huàn miàn

a change of outer trappings;assume new colours; change one’s looks and face; change the appearance but not the essence;disguise in a different garb; dish up the same old stuff in a new form; make only superficial changes; sell old wine in new bottles
❍ 现在刚从南昌专电中,飞出一点声音来,却连~的,也是自从九一八以后,就再没有一丝声息的民族主义文学者们,也来加以冷冷的讪笑。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—261) Now a little voice has emanated from Nanchang; but it has been ridiculed even by those nationalist writers who have assumed new colours and who have also made no sound since the September the Eighteenth Incident.
❍ 有分教,~来寻主,剪发齐眉去杀人。(《水浒全传》358) Truly because of these things|He changed his looks and changed his face and wandering still|He cut his hair,his eyebrows shaved,he went forth to kill.
❍ 他也知道从此就会脱掉汉奸皮,摘掉汉奸帽,~重新做人了。(冯志《敌后武工队》385) He knew that this was his chance to shed the cloak of traitor,to turn over a new leaf and begin afresh with the slate wiped clean.
❍ 古来就这样,所谓读书人,对于后起者却反而专用彰明较著的或~的禁锢。(鲁迅《华盖集·这个与那个(四)》114) Since time immemorial so-called scholars have always tried openly or under cover to hem in those coming after them.


disguise;prettify;change the outside only;camouflage

改头换面ɡǎi tóu huàn miàn

比喻只换形式,实质内容并没有改变。change only the appearance, disguise in a different garb, sell old wine in new bottles, change the outside only





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