收拾❶put in order;tidy up;clear away;get ready ❷repair;mend; fix ❸settle with;punish ❹eliminate;get rid of 把这些坏蛋好好~一下。We’ll teach those rascals a good lesson./不可~unmanageable;out of hand/防患于未然,不要等问题到了不可~的地步take preventive actions before things spin out of control(or before it is too late)./~房间tidy up a room;homekeeping/~餐桌clear up a dining table/~残局clear up the mess;pick up the pieces/~床铺make the bed /~局面clear up (or redress) a messy situation;put the house in order; pick up the pieces/~时局clear up the situation/~行装pack one’s luggage;pack up one’s things |