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单词 picture
picture/′pɪktʃ ǝ(r)/ n;vt [-d,-d /d/; -eing /rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)1)图画(片) (painting or drawing) [C]: a~of Athens/the view from the hotel window/a river一幅雅典/旅馆窗外景色/河流的图画;draw a~of sth 画一幅某物的图画;You can't paint a~without an inspiration. 没有灵感画不出画。~postcard 美术明信片;〖同〗 illustration,drawing,painting,sketch; 2)照片 (photograph) [C]: take a~(of sb/sth) (为某人/某物)照相;have a~taken (让别人给)照相;a~of sb/sth 某人/某物的照片;〖同〗photograph; 3)(某人的)肖像, 画像 (portrait (of sb)) [C]: paint sb's~画某人的肖像;〖同〗image,portrait;

(2)美景,好看的东西, 漂亮的人等 (beautiful sight object or person etc) [C, 通常 sing]:The garden is a~when the roses are in bloom. 玫瑰盛开时花园景致很美。She looked a~in her new dress. 她穿上新裙子看上去非常漂亮。

(3)1)描写, 写照 (skilful description of sth in words that enables one to form a mental impression of it) [C, 通常sing]: give a good/most interesting~of life in England 200 years ago 很好地/非常有趣地描述200年前英国的生活;give an accurate~of sth 准确地描述某物;〖同〗account,description; 2)印(形)象 (mental picture esp an exact one produced by a skilful description) [C, 通常sing]: form/have a clear~in one's mind of what is described 在头脑中形成/有被描述的事情的清楚印象;He already had a~of how she looked. 对于她的模样, 他已经有了印象。〖同〗image;

(4)电视图象(质量) ((quality of) what is seen on a television screen) [C]: get a clear~on this TV set 使这台电视机的图象很清晰;The~is not very good tonight. 今晚电视图象质量不佳。〖同〗image;

(5) 1)电影(a cinema film) [C] (BrE): go and see a good~去看一场好电影;a wide-screen/three-dimensional~宽银幕/立体电影;Have you seen his latest~? 你看过他最近拍的电影吗?motion/moving~电影;〖同〗film, movie; 2)电影院 (cinema) [pl, the~]: go to the~s 去(影院)看电影;

put sb/be in the picture (使某人)完全了解情况: be in the~about sb's illness 完全了解某人的病情;Let me put you in the~about the situation here. 让我来告诉你这里的形势。

be the picture of health happiness etc 看上去非常健康, 幸福等:She is the~of health/happiness/misery. 她看上去非常健康/幸福/痛苦。

get the picture 明白, 懂 (infml): I get the~. He wants to keep the thing quiet. 我懂了,他不想把事情张扬出去。

→′picture-book n (供儿童看的)图画书;′picture-card n (纸牌中的)花牌(如J、Q、K等牌);′picture-gallery n 绘画展室, 画廊;͵pictur′esque adj (风景)如画的;(语言)生动的;(人、人的外表、风度)古怪的;

vt (1)想象 (imagine) [T+n T+n+prep(to)]:~yourself in his situation/that suit 设身处地地想一下他的处境/想象一下你穿上那套衣服的样子;~the consequences of being caught 想象被捉住的后果;He~d to himself the family sitting out on the lawn. 他想象着全家人坐在外面草坪上的情景。〖同〗imagine, see;

(2)画(make a drawing painting etc of sb/sth) [T+n, 尤pass]: The general was~d sitting under a tree/on a horse. 画中的将军坐在一棵树下/骑在马上。~a scene 把一个景象画下来;〖同〗illustrate,paint,draw,sketch





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