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单词 pick
pick/pɪk/ v & n

v (1)挑(精)选 (choose or select carefully from a group) [T+n]:~a dress/good book/site/player 挑选一件衣服/一本好书/一个地点/一名运动员;P~the one you like best. 挑选你最喜欢的一个。~one's words/one's way 挑选字眼/好走的路;We picked the coolest room among those available. 我们在那些空房间中挑了一间最凉快的。I hope I have been~ed to play in the team tomorrow. 我希望被选中作为队员参加明天的比赛。〖同〗select,choose; 〖反〗reject;
 (2)摘(花, 蔬菜等), 采收 (remove and take (flowers vegetables etc) with the fingers) [T+n]:~flowers/fruit/cotton 摘花/水果/棉花;〖同〗pluck,gather,harvest,collect;
 (3) 1)抠出(小块的东西) (remove small pieces of matter from sth esp with a finger or a pointed instrument in order to clean it) [T+n C+n+adj]:~one's teeth/nose 剔牙/挖鼻孔;~the meat from a bone 从骨头上剔肉;The dog~ed the bone clean. 狗把那块骨头啃得干干净净。2)挑出, 捡出(起) (remove sth from a place with fingers hands or a sharp instrument) [T+n+prep(from/off)]: He stood in front of the mirror~ing hairs from his jacket. 他站在镜子前, 把衣服上的头发拣干净。He dropped his book and bent down to~it off the floor. 他的书掉在地上, 他弯腰把它捡起来。3)拨开(锁) (unlock a lock with a tool other than a key) [T+n]:When she found that she had lost her key, she~ed the lock with a hair-pin. 她发现钥匙丢了, 就用发卡把锁捅开。
 (4)扯出(窟窿), 挖(掘, 凿)成(洞) (make (a hole) with or as with a sharp instrument) [T+n T+n+prep(in)]:~a hole in the new jacket 新衣服上挂了个窟隆;(bird)~a hole in the ice with its beak (鸟)在冰上啄了个洞;
 (5) 1)(鸟等)用嘴啄(叼)起 ((of birds) take up small bits of food with the bill) [T+n]: The birds are~ing corn. 鸟正在啄玉米。2) 吃得很少, 啄食(take and eat small amounts of (food)) [I+prep(at)]:~at one's food 仅吃上一两口东西;She~ed at the fish, then pushed the plate away. 她只吃了一点鱼就把盘子推开了。He wasn't very hungry and only~ed at his lunch. 他不太饿, 午餐只吃了一点点。The bird was~ing at the bread. 鸟在啄食面包。
 (6)弹(弦乐器) (sound the strings of a musical instrument by pulling and releasing them) [T+n]:~(the strings of) a guitar/banjo 弹吉他/班卓琴;〖同〗pluck;
 pick and choose 挑挑拣拣, 挑剔: You must accept the job — you can't~and choose. 你必须接受那件工作, 不要挑三拣四。
 pick sb's brains 向某人打听(询问): You might be able to help me with this problem — can I come and~your brains for a minute? 在这个问题上你也许能帮助我, 我能去听一听你的意见吗?
 pick a fight/quarrel (with sb) 找碴儿打(吵)架: He~ed a fight/quarrel with his older brother. 他找碴儿与他哥哥打/吵架。
 pick holes in sth 挑毛病, 找破绽: She is always~ing holes in what the other girls do. 其他女孩子做事她总是要挑毛病。
 pick sb's pocket 扒窃: The thief~ed the man's pocket. 小偷扒窃了那人口袋里的钱。
 pick up the pieces/threads (尤指遭到失败或挫折后)重新振作起来: After the disaster, he tried to~up the pieces. 灾难过去后, 他努力振作起来。
 pick up speed 加速: My old car only~s up speed going down a hill. 我那辆老爷车只有在下坡时才能快起来。
 pick a winner 1) (赛马时为下赌注)挑选一匹会得胜的马: He~ed the winner of the race. 他选中了马赛中得胜的马。2)选得正确 (ironic): I really~ed a winner with this car — it's always breaking down. 这辆车我真选对了, 它总是抛锚。
 pick off (v adv) 瞄准射中 (vt): They~ed off the officers first, so as to throw the attack into confusion. 他们先把军官射倒, 以便打乱敌人的进攻。
 pick on (v prep) 1)老是找碴儿(进行惩罚、批评或责骂)(vt): Why~on me? Go~on someone your own size! 为什么老和我过不去?怎么不去找与你一样块头的人的碴儿!2)选中某人做令人不愉快的事: Why am I always~ed on for the worst jobs? 为什么总是选中我去做最糟的工作?
 pick out (v adv) 1)挑选出来(vt):~sb out from thousands of applicants for the job 从数以千计的申请人中挑选出某人来做这件工作;P~out the dress that you like best. 选出你最喜欢的衣服。2)辨认出, 看清楚(vt):~out a thief from a group of men从几个人中辨认出小偷;3)不看乐谱试着演奏(乐曲)(vt): He can't read music, but he can~out on the piano a tune that he's heard. 他不识乐谱, 但他能在钢琴上弹奏他听过的曲子。4) (通过认真研究)领会(vt):~out the meaning of this poem word by word 逐字逐句地领会这首诗的意思;
 pick over (v adv) 仔细拣选(水果, 蔬菜等)(vt):~the apples over and throw out the bad ones 把苹果挑选一遍, 把坏的扔掉;
 pick up (v adv) 1)拾(捡,拿)起(vt): ~up a button/the telephone/sb's bag (by mistake)/sticks for firewood 捡起一颗钮扣/拿起电话/(错)拿了某人的包/捡柴禾;2)好转, 改进(善)(vi): (weather/economy/trade)~up (天气/经济/生意)好转;She is~ing up wonderfully since she came out of hospital. 自从出院以来, 她的健康情况大有好转。3)继续, 重新开始(vt & vi):~up the conversation after an interruption 在被打断后, 将谈话继续下去;Let's~up where we left off before our coffee break. 让我们从喝咖啡休息前停下来的地方重新开始。4) 站起来(尤指摔倒后)(vt): When the girl fell off her bicycle, she~ed herself up, got back on and rode away. 那女孩子从自行车上摔了下来, 她爬起来又骑上车走了。5)用车接(vt):~sb up at his place at 8 o'clock 8点钟开车到某人那儿去接他; 6)(不经朋友介绍)随便结识朋友(vt) (infml) (derog): Some men go to dances just to see if they can~up a girl for the night. 有些男人去跳舞不过是为了看看是否能找个女孩子过夜。7)救起(vt): (lifeboat)~up all the survivors (救生艇)救起全部的幸存者;8)抓住(vt): The escaped prisoners were~ed up by the police only a short distance from the prison. 逃犯就在离监狱不远的地方被警察抓住了。9)斥责(vt):~sb up for using bad language 因某人说脏话而斥责之;10)(通过仪器)听(看)到或发现(vt):~up the yacht on the radar screen/a signal from the crashed plane/stations from halfway round the world 在雷达屏幕上发现那艘游艇/收到来自坠毁飞机的信号/收听到另一个半球的无线电台; 11) (通过实践或非正规地)学习(外语或技术等)(vt): I never studied Italian—I just~ed it up when I was in Italy. 我从未正式学过意大利语, 我不过是过去在意大利时学会的。~up bad habits/a lot of information about that area 染上坏习惯/获得了有关那一地区的大量信息;12)染上(疾病)(vt):~up a cold/the flu 传染上感冒/流行性感冒;13)(很便宜地)买到(vt):~up a good used car at a very reasonable price 以非常合适的价格买到一辆很好的二手车;14)听到(闲话, 消息等)(vt):~up an interesting piece of news/something about their future plans 听到一条很有趣的消息/有关他们以后计划的消息; 15)取(买)回(vt):~up the coat from the cleaners/something for dinner on one's way home/the tickets half an hour before the play begins 从洗衣店取回那件衣服/在回家的路上买点晚餐食品/在演出开始前半个小时把票买来; 16)获(取)得(vt): (trolley-bus)~up the power from an overhead wire (无轨电车)从空中架设的电线获得动力; 17)重新找到(vt): We lost the animal's track for some time, but~ed it up further ahead. 我们有一段时间失去了那动物的踪迹, 但向前走了一段路以后又重新找到了。
 pick up with (v adv prep) 随随便便结识 (常derog): He is liable to bring home any odd character that he~s up with in a pub. 他很可能会把在酒馆里结识的任何古怪的人带到家里来。
 →′picker n 采摘(集)者;′pickings n 不义之财, 赃物;′pick-me-up n 兴奋饮料(剂);′pickpocket n 小偷, 扒手;v扒窃;′pick-up n 偶尔认识的人(尤指异性);(唱机的)拾音臂;小型轻便货车;′picky adj 挑剔的;
 n(1)挑选, 选择(权) ((right of) selecting choosing) [U]: Take your~of these books. 你在这些书中任选一本吧。He gave me my~of the litter. 他让我在这一窝小动物中挑选一只。(winner) have first~of the prizes (赢者)有首先选择奖品的权利;
 (2)最优部分,精华 (choicest or most desirable one) [U the~][N(of)]: the~of the bunch 一批中的最优者;He was the~of his class. 他是班里的佼佼者。〖同〗choice,prize,preference;





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