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单词 操之过急

操之过急操切从事cāo zhī guò jí

act impulsively (/precipitately/rashly); act with undue haste; go off at hale-cock; in (all/hot) haste; in too big a hurry (/rush); over-anxious; overzealous;too hasty
❍ 但在纠正错误时,应是有步骤的、不可~,以致引起干部不满,群众怀疑,地主反攻等项不良现象。(《毛泽东选集》727) In rectifying errors,however,we must proceed step by step,and must not be so hasty as to cause discontent among the cadres,suspicion among the masses,counter-attacks by the landlords,or other undesirable developments.
❍ 但是 “疾恶太严”,“~”,汉的清流和明的东林,却正以这一点倾败,论者也常常这样责备他们。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—58) Nevertheless it is true that when reformers are over-zealous,like the scholars at the end of the Han dynasty or those of the Ming dynasty,they defeat their own ends.Indeed,this is the criticism usually levelled against them.
❍ 二则,刘文彬曾说过:“思想改造是个细致的工作,不能~!”(冯志《敌后武工队)398) Besides,Liu Wenbin had often talked about ideological remoulding being a very meticulous task. "One must not be over-anx ious! "


act with undue haste;act too hastily;too much haste;over hastiness;be too hasty
~,会把事情搞糟。Haste makes waste;Undue haste would spoil the show.

操之过急cāo zhī ɡuò jí

比喻办事太急躁。act with undue haste, in too big a hurry, too hasty, over-anxious, over zealous





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