撑[撐]chēnɡⅠ ❶ (抵住;托住) prop up;support: ~ 住屋顶 prop up a roof; 两手 ~ 着下巴 hold one's chin in one's hands; 四根柱子 ~ 着顶篷。 Four pillars support the ceiling. ❷ (用篙抵住河底使船行进) push or move with a pole: ~ 船 pole a boat;punt ❸ (支持) maintain;keep up: 他 ~ 不住,笑了。 He could not help laughing. ❹ (张开) open;unfurl: ~ 伞 open an umbrella; 把麻袋口 ~ 开 hold open the sack ❺ (充满到容不下的程度) fill to the point of bursting: 别装得太多,把口袋 ~ 破了。 Don't stuff the sack too full or it'll burst. 我肚子有点 ~。 I'm rather full. Ⅱ {机} (支撑物) brace;stay: 角 ~ corner brace ◆撑臂 supporting arm;{机} brace; 撑场[门]面 keep up appearances;maintain the appearance; 撑持 prop up;shore up;sustain; 撑杆 arm-tie;bar stay;brace rod;brace strut;force piece;jackstay;overarm support;stay;stay bar;stay-pole;straight pole brace;brace; 撑竿 vaulting pole; 撑竿跳高 {体} pole vault;pole jump; 撑条 stay;strut; 撑腰 support;back up;bolster up; 撑腰打气 bolster and support;in an effort to back up;bolster and pep up; 撑柱 dagger; dogshore (船台上的);{采矿} jack post;{工} shore |