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单词 摇旗呐喊

摇旗呐喊yáo qí nà hǎn

wave flag and shout battle cries—bang the drums for sb; be among (/in) the cheer team (/cheering section); carry the banner and cheer for
❍ 又见山后那二百人~飞杀上来,…… (《儒林外史》460) At this point also,the two hundred men behind the mountain rushed forward waving their banners and shouting;…/好多老百姓拿起锄头扁担,跟着队伍,~追北兵。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—269) And many ordinary peasants took up their hoes and carrying-poles,waved flags and shouted together with our troops when they chased the northern soldiers.
❍ 次日,张任引数千人马,~,出城搦战。(《三国演义》552) Next morning Zhang Ren went out to offer the challenge,his men waving flags and shouting lustily.
❍ 就江边看时,见城里出来的官军,约有五七千马军,当先都是顶盔衣甲,全副弓箭,手里都使长枪,背后步军簇拥,~杀奔前来。(《水浒全传》505) As they looked to the shore they saw that the imperial soldiers who came out were,including horsemen,some five or seven thousand in number. Those in front wore helmets and armor and they carried bows and many arrows; in their hands they held spears.Around them were the soldiers on foot and they waved flags and shouted their war cry and they came forward ready to kill.
❍ 遂引兵同二子一齐杀奔五丈原来;呐喊摇旗,杀入蜀秦时,果无一人。(《三国演义》907)So Sima and his two lieutenants hastened to the Wuzhang Plain. With shouts and waving flags,they rushed into the camps,only to find them quite deserted.


wave flags and shout battle cries—beat the drum (for sb)
~,鸣锣开道sound the clarion to clear the way for

摇旗呐喊yáo qí nà hǎn

摇着旗子,大声喊叫助威。比喻给他人助长声势。bang the drum for sb., raise a hue and cry, act as a rooter, acclaim, clamour





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