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单词 搬弄是非

搬弄是非播弄是非bān nòng shì fēi

have a long (/loose) tongue; be a talebearer (/telltale);carry (/tell)tales; cause trouble; indulge in tittle tattle; make mischief through tittle-tattle; manip ulate truth and falsehood; sow discord (through gossip); stir up enmity (/trouble) by gossip (/rumours); talebearing; taletelling; tell (/carry)tales out of school
❍ 今儿听见有人欺负了他的兄弟,又是恼,又是气:恼的是那狐朋狗友,~,调三窝四……(《红楼梦》 120) When she heard today that someone had picked on her brother,it upset her and made her angry. Angry with those dirty dogs who cause trouble and gossip; …/他在党内好播弄是非,好在同志的背后说人家的坏话,进行一些阴谋诡计来挑拨同志间的关系。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》51) They love to stir up trouble in the Party,speak ill of others behind their backs and engage in intrigues in order to sow dis sention between comrades.


sowing discord;telling tales;making mischief


sow dissention or discord;tell tales;make mischief
在群众面前搬弄我的是非speak ill of me before the public/喜欢~的人one who likes to tell tales

搬弄是非bān nònɡ shì fēi

在别人后面说闲话,乱议论,引起纠纷。make mischief, tell tales, telltale (非形容词用), have a long tongue





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