搜sōu ❶ (寻找) look for ❷ (搜查) search; ransack: 他们 ~ 了他的身上, 但没找到什么。 They searched him but found nothing. ❸ [书] (聚集) gather; collect ❹ (清除, 消除) clear away; eliminate ◆搜捕 track down and arrest; 搜查 search; ransack; rummage; seek; 搜刮 claw; extort; plunder; expropriate; fleece; 搜集 collect; gather; spicilegium; 搜罗 collect; gather; recruit; 搜身 frisk; search the person; make a body search; body checks (frisking); 搜索 search for; ferret about; hunt for; scout around; {电子} hunting; scan; {控} indexing; {工}search; scout; reconnaissance; acquisition; 搜索枯肠 rack [ransack] one's brains (for fresh ideas or apt expressions); beat [cudgel] one's brains; rack one's brains (to do ...); scratch through one's mind for sth. — a self-depreciatory phrase of a man of letters; think hard; 搜寻 search for; look for; seek; 搜腰包 search sb.'s pockets; search sb. for money and valuables |