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单词 permit
permitv /pə′mɪt, AmE pər′-/ [-tt-; -ed, -ed / ɪd/]; n /′pɜ:mɪt, AmE ′pɜ:r-/

v (1)允(准)许 (agree to (another person's action), allow or let) [T+n T+ing D+n+n C+n+to-inf] (fml): I do not~the waste of a single drop of water/anything of the sort.我不允许浪费一滴水/任何那种事情发生。This state~s the sale of alcoholic beverages. 本州允许销售酒精饮料。do not~smoking in the office/sb's coming 不允许在办公室吸烟/某人来;~sb only two meals/two hours' exercise a day 准许某人每天只吃两顿饭/进行两小时锻练;Dogs are not~ted here. 此处不准带狗。Please~me to introduce myself/to be of assistance to you/to explain. 请允许我作自我介绍/帮助你/解释。The timetable~ted them only a few days for preparation. 日程安排只允许他们几天的准备时间。〖同〗allow,authorize,approve; 〖反〗forbid;

(2)使成为可能(make sth possible) [I T+n C+n+to-inf](fml): We'll go skating/play football, weather~ting. 如果天气好,我们就去滑冰/踢足球。Had time~ted, they would have stayed longer. 要是时间允许,他们可能会待得时间长些。I can call on you today if time/my health~s. 如果时间/我的身体条件允许,我今天可能去拜访你。The addition of a window~s better air circulation. 增加一个窗户使空气更加流通。(gaps)~light and air to enter (裂口)能透进光线和空气;The facts~no other explanation. 这些事实不可能有任何其他解释。

(3)容许(忍) (give the possibility of; tolerate) [I+prep(of)] (尤neg)(fml): The facts~of only one interpretation. 事实只能有一种解释。This situation does not~of an easy solution. 这种形势不容易解决。His conduct~s of no excuse. 他的行为无法找借口。

n 许可证,执照 (official written statement allowing a person to do sth) [C]: work~s 工作许可证;a driver's~驾驶执照;a student's~to travel cheaply 学生旅行优待证;a~to fish in this lake 在这个湖中钓鱼的许可证;a special~to visit a military area 参观军事区的特别许可证;We have a~to export our product. 我们有出口自己产品的许可证。He could not get in without a~. 没有许可证他不能进去。

→per′missible adj 可容(准)许的;per-′missive adj 纵容(任意)的;per′missively adv纵容(任意)地;per′missiveness n纵容;随意;per′mission n 允许;准许;






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