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单词 call
释义 call2 /kxl; koi/ vt, vi (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, c9 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 9 义。) 1 [VP2A, B, 3A] say sth in a loud voice; cry; speak or shout to attract attention: 大声说话; 赋; 叫(以引起注意): Why doesn't my son come when l ~? 当我叫唤的时候,我的儿子为何不来? I thought 1 heard somebody ~ing. 我好像蕙见有人在叫。 She ~ed to her father for help. 她向她的父亲喊叫求救。 I've been ~ing (for) ten minutes. 我已晔了十分钟了。~。 匕 cry or shout when needing help, or from surprise, pain, etc. (因需要救助,或因惊骇、疼痛等而)大叫。应 9 below. 参看下列第 9 义。 2 [VP2A, → 3A, 4A] ~ (on sb/at a place), pay a short visit; go to sb's house/office etc; stop at: 拜访; 造访; 访问; 停于: I ~ed on Mr Green. 我拜访了格林先生。 I ~ed at Mr Greens house. 我曾至格林先生府上拜访。 ./ ~ed to see Mr Green. 我曾往访格林先生 aMr Green was out when / ~ed. 当我往访时,格林先生不在家。 A man has ~ed to read the gas meter. 有人来抄煤气表。 ~ for. visit (a house, etc) to get sth, or to go somewhere with sb: 往人家等取某物或接某人同往某处: 4 man ~s every Monday for old newspapers. 有一个人毎星期 - 凑收旧报纸。 i'll ~ for you at 6 o'clock. 我六点钟去接你。 ~er n person who ~s on sb; visitor. 访客; 来访各。 3 [VP23] name; describe as: 为…取名; 把 → WU: His name is Richard but we all ~ him Dick. 他的名字是李査,但是我们都称他狄克。 What are you going to ~ the baby? 你将替双儿取什么名字? He ~s himself a colonel, claims that he has the right to this title. 他 H 称为上校。 You may ~ it what you 〃史. 你可以随总把它叫什么。 → also spade(1). ~ sb names, abuse or insult him. 野骂某人。 ~ sth one's own, claim as one's own property: 称某物)3 自己的财产:阳 have nothing that we can ~ our own. 我们没有一样东西可以说是我们自己的财产。 ~ into being, create. 创造。 ~ it a day, 以 day (3). 4 [VP22, 23] consider; regard as: 认为; 视为: Do you ~ English an easy language? 你认为英文是一种容易的萧交吗? I ~ that a shame. 为那是一种耻屏。 I ~ that dishonest. 我认为那足不诚实的。 Shall we ~ it five quid, (colloq) settle the price, sum, etc at five pounds? (俗)我们就算作五镑(指价钱、钱数 5 [VP6A, 15B] summon; wake; send a message to: 召唤; 请来; 叫醒; 传唤; 传送信息: Please ~ a doctor. 请去请一位医生。 Please ~ me (= wake me up) at 6 tomorrow morning. 请在明天早 4 六时叫醒我。 The aircraft was ~ing (ie sending radio signals to) the control station at the airport. 那飞机在(用无线电信号)呼叫飞机场的指挥台。 This is London ~ing, is the BBC, London, 里足伦敦 (英国广播公诃)播汴。 The doctor was ~ed away to an accident. 医生被话去故治意外灾'占的受伤者。 My brother ~ed me (“p) (= telephoned to me) from Leeds last night. 我的冷; ; f (弟弟)昨晚自里玆打电话给我。 [VP12B, 13B] (colloq): (俗): Please ~ me a taxi/ ~ a taxi for me. 请畐我切部计程车 → be/feel bar1 (12). ~ sth in/into question, declare that one has doubts about it. 宣称对某耶怀疑; 赏某事提出质问。 ~ sb/a meeting to order, ask for orderly behaviour, ask that attention should be paid to the rules. 请求某人(与会揑守秩序。 9 [VP15B, 3A] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与湖词接调及介词连用之特殊用法): call by, (colloq) visit briefly (usu when passing the house, etc). (俗)短时间地拜访; (俗常指)问道拜访。 call sb down. (US sl) reprimand him severely. (美俚)严旗斥责 JCAo ~ sth down, invoke, ask for it: 祈求; 逾求; 请求: r down curses on his head. 求神降祸于他。 等) 好不好? ~ed to do sth, be/feel it to be one's duty to do it: 想做; 应该做:. ~ edm be a doctor/to practise medicine. 想做医生(行医)。 ~ing n special duty; profession; occupation. 职业; 有业。 6 (special uses with nouns) (与名词函用之特殊用法) ~ sb's bluff. bluff1. ~ a halt (to), say that it is time to halt: 命令停止: ~ a halt to gambling, forbid it. 命令禁止赌博。 ~ a meeting, announce that one will be held and summon people to attend. 召集会议。 ~ the roll. roll' (4). ~ a strike, order workers to come out on stake. 发动罢工。 7 (card-games) bid or make a demand. (京牌)叫牌。 call, (7). 8 (phrases) (片语) ~ (sb) to account, account'(4). ~ attention to, require (sb) to give his attention to. 要求(某人)注意…。 ~ the banns, banns, be ~~ed to the Bar, call for, demand, require: 要求; 需要: You must take such steps as seem (to be) ~ed!' for 、 do what seems necessary. 你必须采取这些似乎必要的步骤。 The occasion ' ~s for prompt action. 情势所也,必须立即采取行动。、 call sth forth, a be the cause of: 引起; 招致: His behaviour ~ed forth numerous protests. 他的行为引起许多的抗议。 b produce and use: 鼓起; 振作起: You will have to ~ forth all your energy. 你必须全力以赴。 call sth in, order or request the return of: 下令收回; 请求收回: The librarian has ~ed in all books. 图书馆员业已通知收冋全部书籍。 Gold coins were ~ed in by the Government. 金币已被政府下令收回。 He wds so short of money that he had to ~ in the loans he had made. 他非常缺钱, 所以不得不收回他所借出的款子。 call sth off. a ~ away: 丽…叫开: Please ~ your dog off, ~ to your dog so that it stops worrying me. 请把你的狗叫开。 b decide, give orders, to stop sth: 决定取消某事; 下令停止某事: The strike/attack was ~ed off, was either not started or was stopped. 罢工(攻击)已取消(或已奉命停止)。 You had better ~ the deal off, not carry out what was agreed upon. 你最好或消这项交易。 call on/upon sb, a make a short visit to. 短暂地访问; 拜访。 0 2 above. 参看上列第 2 义。( b) ~ on/ upon sb (to do sth), appeal to, invite, require him: 恳求; 请求; 邀请接求 : / ~ edo 〃( = appealed to) him to keep his promise. 我恳求他遵守诺 I now ~ upon (= invite) Mr Grey to address the meeting. 我现在请格; I ; 先生向大会演讲。 I feel ~ed upon (-feel that I ought) to warn you that... . K 觉得我应该警吿你…。 call sb out, a summon, qsp to an emergency: 召唤(尤指应付紧急事件): The fire brigade was ~ed out twice yesterday. 昨天消防队被召唤两次。 Troops had to be ~ed out. (我们)不得不召来军队。 b instruct (workers) to come out on strike: 指示(上人) 罢匸: The coal-miners were ~ed out by the Union officials. 煤瓒工人受工会职员指示而能工。 is present. 点名; 淸点(名单)。 '~-over n (also 亦作 Toll- ~) reading of a list of names (eg in school, call sth over, read (a list of names) to learn who the army). 点名(如学校中或军中)。 call sb/sth up, a telephone to: 打电话给: I'll ~ you up this evening. 我今晚将打电话〉你。 b bring back to the mind: 使想起; 使忆起: ~ up scenes of childhood. 使回忆起童年时代的情; 为 c summon for (military, etc) service: 征刀血兵役等: If war breaks out, we shall be ~ed up at once. 倘若战争爆发,我们将立即被征召服复。 Hence, 山此产生,




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