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单词 calf
释义 calf1 /ka: f US. kaef; kaef/ n 1 (pl calves /kazvz US: kaevz; kaevz/.) young of the domestic cow, the illus at domestic; young of the seal, whale and some other animals for the first year. 小牛; 犊 (参看 domestic 之插图); (一岁以内的) 小海豹,小饺或其他幼小的动物。 Cf 参较 bull, cow, heifer, ox, steer, cow in/with ~, pregnant cow. 怀孕的母牛。 '~-love n childish love affair; love of a young or inexperienced person. (少牟男女间的) 幼稚的恋爱。 2 [U] (also 亦作 skin) leather from the skin of a ~, esp as used in bookbinding and shoemaking. 小牛皮 (尤指用以装订书籍及制皮経者) 。




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