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单词 calendar
释义 calendar /'kaelin 招 (r); 'kaebnd'/ n 1 list of the ddys, weeks, months, of a particular year; list with dates that are important to certain groups of people. 日历; 历书; (某些团曜用的) 行事历。 2 system by which time is divided into fixed periods, and marking the beginning and end of a year: 历法; 年历法 (分一年时间为若干固定单位之方法) 。 the Muslim ~; 回教历; the Gregorian ~ (with every fourth year a leap year of 366 days). 福列高里暦法 (定每第四年为闰年,即 366 日) 。 ~ 'month n month as marked on the ~ (contrasted with a lunar month of 28 days). W 月 (日历上所划分的月,与月球公转周期之 28 日的太阴月有别) 。




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