释义 |
措cuò ❶ (安排;处置) arrange;manage;handle: 不知所 ~ be at a loss what to do;be at one's wit's end; 惊慌失 ~ be seized with panic;be frightened out of one's wits ❷ (筹划) make plans: 筹 ~ 款项 raise funds ❸ [书] (施行) execute;apply ❹ [书] (废弃;放弃) abandon: 学之弗能,弗 ~ 也。 If you find sth. difficult to learn,do not give up. ◆措辞[词] wording;diction; 措施 measure;step; 措手 deal with;manage; 措手不及 be taken by surprise;be caught unawares [unprepared];be too late to do anything about it;be too surprised to defend oneself;could make no adequate defense;could not think in time of a way to defend oneself;have no time to put in one's hands;spring a surprise on sb.;throw sb. off his guard; 措置 handle;manage;arrange; 措置得当 be handled properly; 措置裕如 manage one's work [the affairs] easily and leisurely |