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单词 掩人耳目

掩人耳目yǎn rén ěr mù

deceive (/fool) the public; hoodwink others (/people); pull the wool over the eyes of the people;throw dust in everyone’s eyes
❍ 所以它既是政权机关,又要用 “慈居”这样的公馆名称来尽可能地~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》99) In order to conceal its real function as far as possible,it was necessary to use a name like “Abode of Benevolence”,the kind of name usually reserved for private mansions.
❍ 未嫁之女,与人私通,自然要假装稳重,~。(朱素臣《十五贯》42) When a young girl has a lover,of course she pretends to be quiet and well-behaved,to throw dust in everyone’s eyes.

掩人耳目yǎn rén ěr mù

掩:遮盖。遮掩他人的耳朵和眼睛。比喻用假象欺骗别人。deceive the public, fool the public, throw dust into people’s eyes, cast a mist before one’s eyes





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