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单词 perfect
perfectadj /′pɜ:fɪkt, AmE ′pɜ:r-/ [无comp]; n /′pɜ:fɪkt, AmE ′pɜ:r-/; vt /pə′fekt, AmE pər′-/ [-ed, -ed/ ɪd/]

adj (1)1)完全(备)的 (complete; having everything needed; with nothing missing spoilt etc): He still has a~set of teeth. 他满口牙仍然一颗不缺。There is no~food that contains all necessary nutrients.含有所有必需营养素的完美食物是没有的。〖同〗 complete; 〖反〗imcomplete; 2)完美无瑕的,极好的 (without fault or flaw; ex-cellent): a~landing/performance/method 完美无暇的着陆/表演/方法;a~score 满分;~behaviour 无可挑剔的行为;a~piece of marble 一块完美无瑕的大理石;be in~health 非常健康;have~pitch 具有识别或演唱任何一个音符的能力;His French is~. 他的法语棒极了。None of us are~. 我们谁都不是十全十美的。His examination paper was~except for one spelling mistake. 除了一处拼写错误以外,他的试卷答得完全正确。〖同〗faultless,flawless; 〖反〗imperfect;

(2)最佳的,理想的(of the best possible kind; ideal): The weather during their holiday was~. 他们度假时天气极佳。a~crime 毫不露蛛丝马迹的犯罪;a~solution/example 理想的解决方法/最佳榜样;〖同〗ideal,excellent,supreme; 〖反〗imperfect;

(3)准(精)确的(exact; completely accurate): a~circle/square 一个画得非常精确的圆形/正方形;~timing/accuracy 精确计时/极度精确;a~match 丝毫不差的配合;完美的一对;a~copy of the picture/reproduction of the old map 那幅画/旧地图的精确复制品;The coat is a~fit. 这件衣服十分合身。〖同〗exact,accurate,precise; 〖反〗inaccurate;

(4)极适合的(highly suitable and satisfying for sth/sb)[A(for)]: a~day for a picnic/an excursion 去野餐/远足的最佳日子;~weather for a walk 很适合散步的天气;A big house is~for a large family. 大房子很适合大家庭居住。be~for each other 相互很适合;

(5)(动词时态)完成式的 ((of verb tenses) concerning a period of time up to and including the present past or future) (gram): the present/past/future~tense 现在/过去/将来完成式;

(6)完全的,十足的,绝对的 (thorough; complete; absolute) [作attrib] (infml): That's~nonsense/rubbish. 那纯粹是胡说八道。a~fool /pessimist /pest /stranger/genius 十足的傻瓜/彻底的悲观主义者/十分令人讨厌的人/完全陌生的人/绝对的天才;〖同〗utter,absolute; 〖反〗imcomplete;

n (动词的)完成式 (verb tenses concerning a period of time up to and including the present past or future)[C the~](gram): In “They have gone.” the verb is in the~. 在“They have gone.”这句话中,动词是完成式。

→′perfectly adv 完美地;完全地;非常地,极端地,绝对地;

vt使完美(完善,完整) (bring to perfection or completion) [T+n]:~one's English/one's singing voice 使自己的英语/歌喉尽善尽美;~a new surgical technique 完善一种新的外科技术;The scientist~ed a method of desalting seawater. 那位科学家完善了一种淡化海水的方法。The artist is~ing his picture. 艺术家正在润色他的画。

→per′fectible adj 可完善的;per͵fecti′bility n 可完善性;per′fection n 完美无瑕,尽善尽美;per′fectionist n 追求尽善尽美者;过分追求完美的人;

【注意】一般情况下,perfect作为绝对性修饰语,不能用very,more,most 等修饰,因此不能说 very perfect,more perfect 或most perfect 。但是,在We could not have had a more perfect day for the garden party. (那天举行园中聚会是再好不过的日子了。)这句话中,比较级表示较接近于绝对性词语所表示的概念,因此也是可以接受的用法。在美国宪法中也有a more perfect union (一个更加完美的联邦)这样的用法。






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