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❶ (向外用力使物体移动) push; shove: 把门 ~ 开 push [shove] the door open; ~ 铅球 put the shot [weight]; 顺水 ~ 舟 push the boat along with the current; 他把我从房间里 ~ 了出来。 He shoved me back out of the room.
❷ (磨或碾) turn a mill or grindstone; grind: ~ 麦子 grind wheat
❸ (剪或削) cut; pare: ~ 光地板 plane and polish the floor; ~ 个光头 have one's head shaved
❹ (使事情开展) push forward; promote; advance; extend: 把工作向前 ~ 一步 push ahead with one's work
❺ (推断) deduce; infer: 因一 ~ 十 deduce ten from one; 从效果 ~ 知动机 infer a motive from an effect
❻ (辞让) decline: 解衣 ~ 食 politely decline sb.'s offer
❼ (推委; 推托) push away; shift: 把责任 ~ 给别人 shift the responsibility on to others
❽ (推迟) put off; postpone; defer: 把会议 ~ 后两天 put off a meeting for two days
❾ (推选; 推举) elect; select; choose: ~ 贤与能 select the capable men and put them in power; ~ 他为头 choose him as a leader
❿ (推崇) hold in esteem; praise highly: ~ 许 esteem and commend
◆推本穷源 look for the causes; 推本溯源 trace the origin; ascertain the cause; detect the reason; find out the reason; scrutinize the root or foundation of things or matters; 推波 push wave; 推波逐浪 push water and follow wave; 推波助澜 help intensify the strength of billows and waves; add fuel to the flame; aggravate a complicated situation; egg sb. on (to do sth.); encourage and increase sb.'s influence; fan the fire; follow and hasten the movement of waves — to aggravate a dispute by a third party; increase troubles; intensify trouble; make a stormy sea stormier; take up another's quarrel; 推不知情 pretend to be ignorant of the situation; 推测 infer; conjecture; guess; reckoning; 推车 shallow; trammer;
推车工 putter; harrier headsman; 推陈出新 bring forth the new through the old; bring forth sth. new from the old; develop our own new art by weeding through the old; develop the new through critical assimilation of the old; discard what has outlived its time and develop the new; evolve new things [the new] from the old;The new emerges out of the old.;weed out [through] the old to bring forth the new; weed through the old to create the new; weed through the old to let the new grow; 推诚相见 deal with sb. on [in] good faith; pen one's heart to sb.; talk frankly without hedging about; treat sb. with sincerity; 推迟 put off; postpone; defer; delay; retard; [古] protract; 推斥 repulsion; repelling; 推崇 hold in esteem; praise highly; 推崇备至 admire sb. very much; have the greatest esteem for; laud sth. to the skies; panegyric; 推出 detrusion; push-off; 推窗赏月 open the window to enjoy the moon; 推辞 decline (an appointment, invitation, etc.); 推挡 {乒乓球} half volley with push; 推宕 put off; delay; procrastinate; postpone; 推刀 push-type broach; 推倒 push over; overturn; repudiate; cancel; reverse; 推倒重来 make a new start; scrap it and start all over again; 推倒油瓶不扶 be unwilling to right an oil bottle that's been knocked over — be lazy in the extreme; 推导 reduction; eduction; derivation; infer; deduce; 推定 presumption; 推动 push forward; promote; give impetus to; goose; propel; drive; actuate; motiva ̄ tion; 推断 infer; deduce; deduction; 推度 infer; conjecture; guess; 推而广之 give extended application; apply broadly; by a logical extension of this point; by an extension of this logic; improve on this; 推翻 overthrow; overturn; topple; repudiate; cancel; reverse; 推翻旧案 reverse the old verdict; 推服 esteem and admire; 推杆 push rod; push control rod; armature buffer; armature bushing; armature pusher; armature lifter; armature plug; follower; pushrod; {林} kilhig; 推给别人 wish (off) on; 推弓 pulling the bow;
推广 popularize; spread; extend; generalization; 推己及人 consider others in one's own place; be considerate; devolve one's own thought to others; do as one would be done by others; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.; extend one's own feelings to others; judge others as you would like to be judged by them; put [place] oneself in another's place; treat other people as you would yourself; 推荐 recommend; recommendation; 推襟送抱 (be frank enough) to disclose everything to sb.; be sincere in dealing with others; lay one's heart bare to sb.; meet [talk] in all sincerity; open [bare] one's heart to sb.; talk from the fullness [bottom] of one's heart; treat sb. with sincerity; unbosom oneself to; 推进 push on; carry forward; advance; give impetus to; {军} move forward; drive on; press onward; advance; push; drive; propulsion; 推进剂 propellant; peopellent; propulser; propulsive agent; 推进式螺(旋)桨 pusher airscrew; pusher propeller; 推“ 镜头” truck- up; 推究 examine; study; 推举 elect; choose; {举重} clean and press; press; 推拉 push-and-pull; 推来推去 shove around; Each declines to accept.; make all sorts of excuses; 推理 {逻} inference; ratiocination; illation; reasoning; ratiocinate; 推力 vis a tergo; soot; propulsive force; thrust; momentum thrust; 推料车 lorry; 推料器 stoker; 推聋做[装]哑 pretend to be deaf and mute; ignore requests for attention; 推论 ratiocination; sequitur; inference; triangulation; extrapolation; deduction; corollary; 推门而入 open the door and come in; 推摩法 stroke; 推拿 manipulation; massage; 推耙 buck rake; 推铅球 {体} shot put; put the shot; 推敲 weigh; deliberate; 推敲字句 consider carefully words and phrases; seek the right word; weigh one's words; 推情度理 consider the circumstances and measure the reasons; 推球 pushing the ball; 推求 inquire into; ascertain; 推却 refuse; decline; 推让 decline (a position, favour, etc. out of modesty); 推人落井, 落井下石 push someone down a well and then drop rocks on him; pour water on a drowning man; 推三拉四 shirk one's work; 推三阻四 make excuses and put obstacles in the way; decline with all sorts of excuses; fob sb. off with excuses; give the runaround; make all sorts of excuses; 推食解衣 offer one's own clothes and food to help others; put off one's own clothes and offer one's own food to others; give food and clothing to the needy; do anything one possibly can to help; show kindness to others; help one in need; 推事 [旧] judge; 推算 calculate; reckon; reckoning; prediction; calculating; 推涛兴浪 egg sb. on (to do sth.); 推涛作浪 push and help the waves to sweep on; do sth. to fan the flame — to stir up more trouble instead of being a peace-maker, etc.; 推头 have a haircut; cut sb.'s hair (with a clippers); 推土板 {土} mouldboard; 推土机 soil shifter; bulldozer; earthmover; pushdozer; 推推搡搡 push and shove; 推托 offer as an excuse; make an excuse; find a pretext for not doing sth.; plead; 推脱 evade; shirk; 推委 shift responsibility onto others; 推诿搪塞 shift responsibility onto others and use evasive answers; 推诿责任 buck passing; pass the buck to; 推问 examine and inquire; 推贤让能 recommend the worthy and give way to the able; cede to the worthy and yield the post to the able; give way to the virtuous and able; select the capable men and put them in power; 推想 imagine; guess; reckon; 推向高潮 push ... to a new high; 推销 promote sales; market; peddle; sales promotion; 推卸 shirk; 推卸责任 shirk [evade] one's responsibility; absolve oneself from responsibility; 推谢 decline an offer, invitation, etc. on some pretext or other; 推心置腹 treat a person with sincerity; be loyal in friendship; carry one's heart upon one's sleeve; confide in sb.; have a heart-to-heart talk with sb.; lay bare one's heart; make frank statements without reservation(s); open one's heart to sb.; pour out one's heart without reserve; repose full confidence in sb.; show the great ̄est consideration [confidence]; speak to each other heart to heart; take one's heart and place it in other's breast; take sb. into confidence; talk frankly without hedging against; 推行 carry out; pursue; implement; practice; 推许 esteem and commend; 推选 elect; choose; 推雪机 snow grader; 推延 put off; postpone; 推一知万 From a single instance one may infer the whole.; 推衣解食 share happiness and woe with one's followers [friends]; 推移 elapse; pass; develop; evolve; 推原其故 trace back to a cause; infer from premises; analyze the cause; 推燥居湿 give up a dry place on the bed and lie in a damp one — the hardship of nourishing an offspring; give the best to the young; give up the dry place to the child and sleep in the corner wetted by it; sleep on a bed sheet wet by one's child and let the child sleep where the sheet is dry — the loving care a mother gives to her child; the pains in nursing a child; 推知 infer; 推重 have a high regard for; hold in esteem; 推子 hair-clippers; clippers

inductive inference







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更新时间:2025/3/14 20:42:20