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❶ (告发;控告) accuse; charge: 指 ~ accuse; 他被 ~ 发表了煽动性讲话。 He was charged with making inflamatory speeches. 他被 ~ 犯有贪污罪。 He was accused of corruption.
❷ (控制) control; dominate: 遥 ~ remote control; telecontrol
❸ (使身体或身体的一部分悬空或处于失去支撑的状态) keep part of the body in a certain positiopn unsupported: 我的腿都 ~ 肿了。 My lower leg got awollen from keeping it in one place for too long a time.
❹ (使容器口儿朝下, 让里面的液体慢慢流出) turn (a container) upside down to let the liquid trickle out: 把瓶子先 ~ 一 ~ 再装油。 Turn the bottle upside down to empty it before you fill it with oil.
◆控告 charge; accuse; complain; incriminate; incul ̄ pate; indict; bring a lawsuit against sb.; make a legal claim against sb.; 控股 control stocks; 控股公司 holding company; 控股合并 mergence of controlling interest; 控诉 accuse; denounce; make a complaint against; 控制 control; dominate; regulate; govern; manage; check; cybernate; manipulate; encraty; rule; rein; curb; command; hold in leash; pull oneself together; have control over; under sb.'s thumb; be in control (of); be brought under control; under the control of; get command of; have command over; lead sb. by the nose; 控制变量 control varieties; 控制程序 control program; 控制程序生成语言 control program generation language; 控制点 control point; control station; {航空; 航海} point of control; control post; 控制仿生学 control bionics; 控制幅度 space of control; 控制基本建设规模 control the scope of capital construction; 控制力 control force; controlling force; 控制论 cybernetics; kybernetics; {数} control theory; 控制逻辑 control logic; 控制门 control gate; 控制台 {自} console; console desk; control board; control booth; control pulpit; control station; controlling stand; operational console; supervisory control desk; instrumentation panel; switch desk; control rack; 控制系统 navar; {工} control system; operating system; 控制指令 control instruction; control command; steering instruction; reference order; 控制终端 control terminal; 控制总线 control bus





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