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单词 people
people/′pi:pl/ n;vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)人(们) (persons in general) [pl]:Will~ever live 200 years? 人能活200年吗?P~will do anything to save their own lives. 人们会千方百计地保全自己的性命。be filled/crowded with~充/挤满了人;There were about 90~at the lecture/in the room. 大约有90人听了讲座/在房间里。Several~were hurt. 几个人受了伤。P~(who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. (prov) 自己有短处,不要去惹别人。〖同〗persons,humans;

(2) 1)民(种)族,人民 (nation; race) [C]: the~s of Asia and Africa 亚洲、非洲各民族;all the~s of this world 世界上的所有民族;the English-speaking~s 说英语的各民族; a brave/warlike/hard-working~一个勇敢/好战/勤劳的民族;an intelligent~ 智慧的民族;〖同〗nation, race, tribe; 2) 某地方(国家)的人们 (those persons living in a particular place or having a particular nationality) [pl][接pl动词]: people who live in the south of England 居住在英国南方的人;the French/British/Russian/Chinese~法/英/俄/中国人;the~of New York/London/Paris 纽约/伦敦/巴黎人;the~of the city城里人;〖同〗population, inhabitants, folk; 3)某国的公(国)民(尤指有选举权者) (the citizens of a country esp those having the right to vote) [pl]: government of the~, by the~, for the~民有,民治,民享的政府;have the support of the~得到人民的支持;be close to the~贴近人民;〖同〗citizens;

(3)平(庶)民,老百姓 (ordinary persons who are not nobles not high in rank or position etc) [pl] [接pl动词]: power to the~权力归人民;the common~平民百姓;a man of the (common)~受老百姓爱戴的人;A politician must appeal to the~. 一个政治家必须受老百姓欢迎。The French nobles oppressed the~. 法国的贵族压迫平民百姓。〖同〗crowd, masses;

(4)(统治者的)臣民,(领导人的)支持者 (persons in relation to a ruler leader etc) [pl][接pl动词]: a queen loved by her~受臣民爱戴的女王;His~are working very hard to get him elected. 他的支持者在努力使他当选。

(5)亲人(尤指父母),亲戚 (relatives esp one's parents) [pl] [接pl动词](infml): John spends his holiday/his Christmas with his~. 约翰与家人一起度假/圣诞节。My~come from northern England. 我家人都是英格兰北方人。His~have lived in this valley for over 300 years. 他的家族已经在这个谷地生活了300多年。

vt 使住人 (fill a place with people) [尤pass T+n T+n+prep(with)]: a thickly/sparsely~d district 一个人口稠密/稀少的地区;Northern America was~d with Europeans during the last century. 上个世纪,欧洲人移居北美。

【说明】严格说,people是person的复数形式,用于指数量不定的人,如: The auditorium seats hundreds of people. (礼堂可坐数百人。) 而persons 则指有具体人数的人,如: Capacity of the restaurant is limited to 40 persons. (这家饭馆能容纳40人。) 此外,persons 是正式用法,多用于法律语言,如: She was murdered by a person or persons unknown. (她被一个或一些未知的人谋杀了。)persons 和people 的另一个区别是people仅仅表示人们,而 persons则表示具有性格、感情等的人。因此,我们说:Some people are quite different persons amongst their friends from what they are in their business relations. (有些人处朋友与处理业务方面的关系迥然不同。)但是,在实际使用中这两个词也有混淆。people 也作单数名词,表示“一个民族”,其复数形式为 peoples,如: The British are a funny people. (不列颠是一个很有趣的民族。)






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