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单词 探头探脑

探头探脑tàn tóu tàn nǎo

cautiously show one’s head; crane one’s neck (to peer in); poke one’s head to peek at; pop one’s head in and look about; thrust one’s head up every now and again
❍ 大约有一个排的敌人,从胡家沟据点里~地晃出来,连人影子也没有看见,就胡乱地放着机关枪。(吴强《红日》345) About a platoon of enemy cautiously showed their heads from the strong-point at Hujiagou and blasted away wildly with machine-guns without even seeing a sign of anyone.
❍ 大家在水陆两面,~的悉心打听,才明白原来那两位只是考察的专员,却并非禹自己。(鲁迅《故事新编·理水》34) On dry land as well as on the water,folk craned their necks to catch what was being said and learned that these were two government inspectors,not Yu himself.
❍ 若飞同志抬头望望,见韩渐逵~的样子,知道来意不善,就故意挑逗他…… (杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》74) Wang raised his head and noticing Han’s furtive manner,he smelled a rat and said as a challenge,…/一面哭一面走,呜呜咽咽的,自回去了。还未到潇湘馆,只见两个小丫头在门里往外~的,一眼看见紫鹃,那一个便嚷道: “那不是紫鹃姐姐来了吗!” (《红楼梦》 1266) She walked on in tears towards Bamboo Lodge and saw two young maids at the gate looking out for her. At sight of her one cried,“Here comes Sister Zijuan! ”/大水害臊的缩回来,听见后面有人暗笑;一回头,发现墙头上有些老百姓,~瞧稀罕呢。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》93) Dashui shrunk away from the window,his face scarlet with shame. He became aware of several neighbours peering over the wall of the compound to watch the show.
❍ 一个长挂脸的小个子男子在外屋的门外~。(周立波《暴风骤雨》269)A long faced short fellow was poking about in the court yard.
❍ 道静旁若无人的倔强劲,江华微笑不语的沉稳劲,和伍雨田那个~煞有介事的滑稽劲,引起了全屋子人更大的笑声。(杨沫《青春之歌》252) Daojing’s detachment and firmness,the smiling composure of Jiang Hua,and the comic sight of Wu’s swivelling head and pompous solemnity set the whole room laughing even louder.
❍ 张顺再跳下水里,赴将开去,李逵正在江里~,假挣扎洑水。(《水浒全传》474) So Zhang Shun leaped down into the water again and he swam away from the bank. Now Li Kui was there struggling and pretending to swim in the water and every now and again thrusting his head up.

探头探脑tàn tóu tàn nǎo

伸头向四周张望。形容动作鬼鬼祟祟。pop one’s head in and look about, hide from sight, probe furtively





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