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单词 butter
释义 butter /'bAta (r); 'bAt/ n [U] 1 fatty food substance made from cream by churning, used on bread, in cooking, etc: 奶油; 白塔油; 黄油: ~ will/ would not melt in sb's mouth, he has a demure and innocent appearance. 一本正经的样子。 '~bean, large, dried haricot ~. 大的干亩豆。 ,■ cup n wild plant with yellow flowers. 金凤花 (开黄花的野生植如) 。 '~fingers n person unable to hold things well, esp one unable to catch a ball. 拿东西拿不稳的人; (尤指) 常失球的选手 '~milk n liquid that remains after ~ has been separated from milk. 将奶油提出后的酸牛奶。 ~ scotch n [U] sweet substance made by boiling sugar and ~ together. (用奶油与糖熬成的) 奶油糖果。 2 substance similar to ~, made from other materials: 人造奶油 (用其他物质制成之类似奶油的东西): cocoa ~ ; 可可脂; peanut ~. 花生格。 vt 1 [VP6A] spread ~ on (esp bread); cook with ~. 涂奶油于 (面包等); 用奶油烹调。 → also bread. 2 [VP15B] ~ sb up. flatter. 阿谀; 谄媚。




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