掐qiāⅠ ❶ (用指甲按; 用手指使劲捏或截断) pinch; nip: 把嫩枝 ~ 短 pinch back the young shoots; 把香烟 ~ 了 stub out the cigarette; 不要 ~ 花。 Don't nip off the flowers. 他把植物的顶端 ~ 掉。 He pinched the top of the plants off. ❷ (用手的虎口紧紧按住) clutch: ~ 脖子 seize sb. by the throat; take by the throat; ~ 死 choke to death; throttleⅡ [书] (拇指和另一手指尖相对握着的数量) a handful; bunch; pinch, etc. of: 一~ 儿小葱 a handful of shallots ◆掐断 nip off; cut off; 掐花折枝 break off flowers from the stem; 掐尖儿 pinch off young shoots, etc.; 掐算 count [reckon] sth. on one's fingers; 掐头去尾 break off both ends; do away with unnecessary parts [details] at both ends;leave out the beginning and the end; nip off unwanted parts; remove the superfluous part 掐❶pinch; nip; pick ❷clutch; grip ❸quarrel 电视剧《金婚》中的夫妇俩互相~了一辈子。In the TV series Golden Wedding the couple quarreled all their lives./~大腿pinch sb’s leg/~豆角pick kidney beans/~灭香烟put(or stub) out the cigarette/~住胳膊grip the arm 掐qiānailing manipulation; pressingmanipulation with finger-nail |