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单词 掌上明珠

掌上明珠zhǎng shàng mín zhū

a pearl in (/on)the palm—a beloved daughter;a darling; all in all;the apple of the (/one’s) eye
❍ 只嫡妻贾氏生得一女,乳名黛玉,年方五岁,夫妻爱之如~;……(《红楼梦》15)By his wife nee Jia,he had a daughter Daiyu just five years old. Both parents loved her dearly as the apple of the eye.
❍ 鲁老先生和夫人因无子息,爱如掌上之珠,…… (《儒林外史》132) Because Mr and Mrs Lu have no son,this girl is the apple of their eye,…/于是两兄弟犹如一鼻孔出气,更加你我不分,视交恕就如掌上珍珠,比什么祖传家宝,还看得重些。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—5) Thus the two brothers became more intimate with each other. They both treated the boy Jiaoshu like a little prince and valued him above all other treasures.


a pearl in the palm—a beloved daughter;apple of one’s eye

掌上明珠zhǎnɡ shànɡ mínɡ zhū

比喻珍贵。原指非常钟爱的人。现多指受父母疼爱的女儿。a beloved daughter, a pearl on the palm, apple of sb.’s eye





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