释义 |
捶胸顿足捶胸跌脚chuí xiōng dùn zúbeat one’s chest and stamp one’s feet—be in deep sorrow or repentance ❍ 崇祯明白这是为着李国瑞的事,孝定太后“显灵”,不禁~,…… (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—841)Believing that the ghost of Empress Dowager Xiaoding had appeared to avenge the marquis,the empreror smote his breast,stamped his foot…/……自己隔屏风请教大爷,数说这些从前已往的话。数了又哭,哭了又数,捶胸跌脚,号做一片。(《儒林外史》86) …she started to reproach Yan from behind the screen,bringing up old grievances,crying,abusing him,stamping her feet,beating her breast,and raising a great uproar. 捶胸顿足chuí xiōnɡ dùn zú捶:用拳头敲打;顿足:跺脚。形容人悲伤或悔恨时的情景。beat one’s breast and stamp one’s feet, beat the breast and stamp |