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单词 换汤不换药

换汤不换药huàn tāng bù huàn yào

a change in form but not in content (/essence); keep the old going in a new guise; make a superficial change; old stew in a new pot;old stuff in new concoctions; old wine in new bottle; refurbish sth without changing its substance; the same old stuff with a different label
❍ 说这是~,也不过如此!(梁斌《红旗谱》169) They say this is what’s called changing the liquid but not the drugs—that’s all it amounts to.
❍ 我们给他来个~,表面上是他的,实际上里面有我们的人,要是不能按我们的心事办事,至少可以通风报信。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—11) …we could keep the old system going in a new guise: to all appearances it would be in their hands but in actual fact we’d have our own people inside it arranging things our way,or at least serving as our listening posts.

换汤不换药huan tang bu huan yao

same medicine with a different name—the same old stuff with a different label


old medicine in a new bottle; same old stuff with a different label

换汤不换药huàn tānɡ bù huàn yào

比喻只更换了外表或名称,内容和实质却没有改变。the same medicine differently prepared, serve up sth. with a different sauce, the same old stuff with a different label





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更新时间:2024/11/15 15:46:47