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单词 捕风捉影

捕风捉影bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng

bark up the wrong tree; beat the air; chase the wind and clutch(/catch/snatch) at shadows—make groundless accusations; fasten on all kinds of rumours; frame up charges based on mere rumours; make accusations on hearsay; on shadowy pretexts;pick up insinu ations;rely on rumours or speculations; speak or act on hearsay evidence; trump up a charge (/story)
❍ 余持又禀道: “可见这关文是个~的了。”(《《儒林外史》578) “This is obviously a mare’s-nest,” put in Yu.
❍ 怎可~,轻率判成死罪呢? (朱素臣《十五贯》30)How can a story be trumped up and sentence of death passed so lightly?/本院审理此案,有常州府案卷可查,岂是~的么? (朱素臣《十五贯》36) I had the files from Changzhou to refer to. Do you call that trumping up charge?/具体地、适当地去进行党内在各个时期各种原则问题上所必要的思想斗争,而不是主观地、机械地、~地在党内乱斗一阵,……(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》65)Such inner-Party ideological struggles on matters of principle as are necessary at different periods should be waged in a concrete and proper way; inner-Party struggles should not be waged undiscriminatingly,subjectively,mechanically or on shadowy pretexts.
❍ 自然,~的记载,也是在所不免的,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—199) Of course,some of the entries are inevitably fantastic;…/人们念叨,是~,到底是真是假,谁也不清楚。(梁斌《红旗谱》250) Gossip is snatching at shadow.Who knows whether it’s true or false?/袭人心里着忙,便~的混找,没一块石底下不找到,只是没有。(《红楼梦》1235) Xiren hunted frantically round,clutching at shadows and searching at each rock,but there was no trace of the jade.

捕风捉影bǔ fēnɡ zhuō yǐnɡ

比喻说话或做事毫无事实根据。speak or act on hearsay evidence , make groundless accusations, beat the air, trump up a charge





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