捕bǔ (捉;逮) catch;seize;arrest: 被 ~ be arrested;be under arrest; 搜 ~ 逃犯 track down and arrest the escaped criminal [convict] 另见 see also bù。 ◆捕尘器 dust extractor; 捕虫 insect-catching; 捕房 [旧] a police station or precinct; 捕风捉影 chase the wind and clutch at shadows — make groundless accusations;bark up the wrong tree;be a mare's-nest;beat the air;catch [clutch] at shadows;catching the wind and grasping at the shadow;catch the winds and grasp the shadow — invent a story;grasp at shadows — to trump;make accusations on hearsay;make up a story;run after a shadow;speak or act on hearsay evidence; 捕获 catch;capture;succeed in catching;acquire;arrest;seize; 捕集 gathering;trapping; 捕集器 drip catcher;trap; 捕捞 fish for (aquatic animals and plants); 捕猎 catch and hunt; 捕拿 arrest;capture;catch; 捕杀 catch and kill; 捕食 catch and feed on;prey on; 捕狩物 venery; 捕蝇器 flytrap;fly-catcher; 捕蝇纸 flypaper; 捕鱼 catch fish;fish;fishing; 捕鱼捉虾 fish and shrimp; 捕捉 catch;seize
捕bù(姓氏) a surname: ~ 巡 Bu Xun 另见 see also bǔ。 |