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单词 peel
peel/pi:l/ v & n

v (1) 1) 削(剥,去)皮 (remove the skin off (fruit vegetables etc)) [T+n D+n+n D+n+prep(for)]:~an orange/a banana 剥橘子/香蕉皮;~a potato/an apple 削土豆/苹果皮;He~ed me an orange/an apple. (He~ed an orange/apple for me). 他给我剥了一个橘子/削了一个苹果。〖同〗skin,scale; 〖反〗cover; 2)(使)剥落(脱落) ((cause skin covering etc to) come off) [I+adv(away/off), T+n+adv(away/off)]:As you~away the onion skin, you find another skin underneath. 你剥掉洋葱的外皮后就会发现里面还有一层皮。~away the wrapping paper 剥去包装纸;~the skin/the stamp/the clothes/the raincoat off 削去表皮/揭去邮票/脱去衣服/脱掉雨衣;〖同〗skin,scale; 〖反〗cover; 3)剥(去)皮 (have a covering which comes off) [I]:These potatoes/oranges/pears~easily. 这些土豆/橘子/梨容易去皮。

(2) 1)(表皮)剥(脱)落 ((of a covering) come off in strips or flakes) [I I+adv(off)]:That new drug made my skin~. 那种新药使我的皮肤剥落。The skin will~off your back if you expose it to too much sun. 如果你背部晒太阳过多,就会脱皮。The paint/wallpaper is~ing off the walls. 油漆/墙纸已开始从墙上剥落下来。The paint is~ing off the woodwork. 木器的漆皮不断脱落。(the bark of plane-trees)~off regularly (法国梧桐)经常脱皮;〖同〗flake, scale; 2) (表面)外皮脱落 ((of a surface) lose its outer covering in strips or flakes) [I]: (sb's face/nose/back) begin to~((某人的)脸/鼻子/背部)开始脱皮;〖同〗flake,scale;

peel off (v adv) 1)(汽车,飞机等)离队驶(飞)向它方(vi): The leading pair of planes~ed off, one to the right and one to the left. 带队的两架飞机离开编队, 一架飞向右方,一架飞向左方。2)脱去(光)(衣服)(vt & vi) (infml):~off and jump into the water 脱去衣服,跳入水中;~off one's coat 脱去外衣;

→′peeler n (尤用于合成词中)刮皮器;′peelings n (尤指水果或蔬菜等)削(剥)下的皮;

n(1)水果(蔬菜等)的皮 (skin or outer covering of fruit and vegetables) [U]:apple/banana/orange/lemon/potato/tomato~苹果/香蕉/橘子/柠檬/土豆/西红柿皮





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