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单词 捉襟见肘

捉襟见肘zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu

❶when one pulls together one′s lapels,one’s elbows poke through the sleeves—have too many difficulties to cope with; run short of ways in dealing with the situation; cannot make both ends meet; cannot tackle one problem without aggravating another; one’s resources have been stretched out;
❷out-at-elbows; out at the elbows (/heels); ragged
❍ 他从未象此刻这样,~地感到困难。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》572) Never had his resources been stretched out so thin.

捉襟见肘zhuo jin jian zhou

when one pulls together one’s lapels,one’s elbows poke through the sleeves—have too many difficulties to cope with


pull together one’s lapels to conceal the raggedness only to expose one’s elbows—face too many difficulties at the same time;be hard up;be in straitened circumstances

捉襟见肘zhuō jīn xiàn zhǒu

拉一下衣襟,胳膊肘就露了出来。形容生活贫苦,衣服破烂。have too problems to tackle, be hard up, out at the heels, run short of ways in dealing with the situation, be on one’s uppers





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更新时间:2025/1/19 21:16:16