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单词 挨冻受饿

挨冻受饿挨饿受冻ái dòng shòu è

be(/go) cold and hungry; suffer from cold and hunger
❍ 我们……每天听着妻子儿女挨饿受冻的哇哇乱叫。(知侠《铁道游击队》105) Everday we hear the cries of our wives and children who are hungry and cold.
❍ 妈妈这辈子想来还不至~。(《红楼梦》1296) I can’t believe you’ll ever go cold or hungry.
❍ 十里风雪一片白,躲帐七天回家来;指望着熬过这一关,~,我也能忍耐。(《白毛女》6)Three miles through a snowstorm l’ve come home,After hiding a week from the duns. |As long as I can get by this time,|I don’t mind putting up with hunger and cold.

挨冻受饿ái dònɡ shòu è

形容生活非常艰苦。suffer from cold and hunger, go (be) cold and hungry, endure cold and hunger





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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:03:13