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单词 挥金如土

挥金如土huī jīn rú tǔ

be flush with one’s money;be profuse of money; make (/play) ducks and drakes of (one’s) money; scatter (/throw) money(/gold) about like dirt; spend money like water;squander money like dust with an unsparing hand
❍ 少卿兄~,……(《儒林外史》447) I understand you scatter gold about like dirt,sir.
❍ 想着我当初~的时节,你用了我不知多少; ……(《儒林外史》286) Think how much you had from me when I was spending money like water!

挥金如土hui jin ru tu

throw money about like dirt

挥金如土huī jīn rú tǔ

挥:散出。花钱如同把土扔掉一样随便。形容十分挥霍浪费;也比喻学识渊博,能随意运用书本知识。spend money like water, make the money fly, go the pace, be profuse of money, be lavish with one’s money





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