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单词 peak
peak/pi:k/ n & vi

n (1) 1)山顶,顶峰 (sharply pointed top of a mountain or hill) [C]: snow-covered~s 白雪覆盖的山峰;We climbed to the~of the mountain. 我们登上了那座山的顶峰。one of the highest~s in the Alps 阿尔卑斯山的最高峰之一;〖同〗summit,tip,point,top; 〖反〗 base,bottom,foot; 2)山峰 (mountain itself with a pointed top) [C]: There the high~s began to rise from the plain. 那里高耸的山峰拔地而起。make camp half-way up the~在半山腰扎营;

(2)尖顶 (头,端) (pointed top or edge) [C]: the~of a pyramid 金字塔的尖顶;a roof~屋顶的尖端;comb hair into a~把头发梳成尖顶状;

(3)帽舌 (front part of a cap which shades the eyes) [C]: a white cap with a green~一顶有绿色帽舌的白帽子;He wore a black cap with the~pulled down over his eyes. 他戴一顶黑色的帽子,帽檐儿拉得很低,遮住了眼睛。

(4) 1)最高点(度),巅峰 (point of greatest developmentvalueheightor density) [C]: They drove through town at the~of the rush hour. 他们在上下班的高峰时间开车穿过城市。reach one's~达到顶峰;be at the~of one's career 处于事业的最高峰;Tourism is at its~in August. 旅游业在8月份处于顶峰。Work/Traffic is at a~. 正值工作/交通最繁忙的时期。〖同〗climax; 2)最……的 (maximum) [C] [作attrib]:the~load 最高负载;The roads are full of traffic at~hours. 在上下班高峰时间路上的交通十分拥挤。~time 电视收视率最高时间;~rate (酒店、航空公司等)业务高峰期价格;

→peaked adj尖的,尖顶的;′peaky (或peaked) (infml) adj 瘦削的,虚弱的,憔悴的;

vi达到最高峰(最大值) (reach the greatest point or value) [I]: Prices/Temperatures~ed last week. 上周物价/温度达到最高点。The flood waters should~by midday. 洪水在中午将达到最高点。I hope the American team hasn't~ed too early because the competition is still a month away. 我希望美国队不要过早进入巅峰状态,因为离比赛开始还有一个月呢。〖同〗climax





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