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单词 挟天子以令诸侯

挟天子以令诸侯xié tiān zǐ yǐ lìng zhū hóu

have the emperor in one’s power and order the dukes about in his name;control the emperor and command the nobles
❍ 孙权笑曰: “此言岂不羞乎?天下岂不知你~?……”(《三国演义》531)“What words!” cried Sun with a laugh.“Are you not ashamed? Every one knows that you control every act of the Emperor and you tyrannise over the nobles.…”/其实利用了他的名位,“~”的,和我那老仆妇的意思和方法都相同。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》53) As a matter of fact,the men who make use of the rank and name of others,the donkeys in lions’ skins,have the same idea and method as that old maid-servant of ours; …

挟天子以令诸侯xie tian zi yi ling zhu hou

have the emperor under one’s thumb and order the dukes about in his name


take hostage of the emperor to give orders to generals and marquis in the world;have the emperor under one’s thumb and order the dukes about in his name;control the emperor and command the nobles

挟天子以令诸侯xié tiān zǐ yǐ lìnɡ zhū hóu

挟持皇帝,以皇帝的名义来发号施令。have the emperor in one’s power and order the dukes about in his name, control the emperor and command the nobles





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