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单词 pause
pause/pɔ:z/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vi [-s / ɪz/;-d, -d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)中止,暂停,停顿 (short stopbreak or interval (while doing sth))[C][N(in)]: a~in the conversation/the war/the bombing 谈话/战争/轰炸的间歇; a~for breath停下来喘口气; He spoke for ten minutes without a~. 他一口气儿讲了10分钟。After a short~, the game continued.暂停之后,比赛继续进行。〖同〗stop,halt,break;〖反〗continuity,progress;

(2)(音乐)延长(记号) (act of making a note or rest slightly longer than normalor a mark showing that this is to be done)[C];

give pause to sb/give sb pause 使某人在做某事前犹豫:The gale raging outside was sufficient to give~to even the most courageous climbers. 外面呼啸的大风足以令最无畏的登山者踌躇不前。

vi 中止,暂停,停顿 (stop briefly in the midst of an action)[II+prep(for)]: He~d for a while and then went on in a low voice. 他停顿了一下,然后继续低声说。He did not~for breath until he reached the top floor. 他一口气走到顶楼。





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