释义 |
挂[掛]ɡuàⅠ ❶ (使物体附着于某处) hang;put up;suspend:把帽子 ~ 在衣架上 put [hang] the cap on the coat hanger;~ 幌子 (of shops) put up a signboard; 墙上 ~ 着一幅画。 A picture is hanging on the wall. 天上 ~ 着一轮明月。 A bright moon hung in the sky. ❷ (中断电话) ring off:请别 ~ 上电话。 Hold the line,please! 她谈完之后,把电话 ~ 了。 After she finished her conversation,she hung up. ❸ [方] (接通电话;打电话) put sb. through to;call up;phone;ring up:请 ~ 旅行社。 Please put me through to the tourist agency. 我七点钟左右给你 ~ 电话。 I'll call you up about seven o'clock. ❹ (钩) hitch;get caught:把拖车 ~ 上 hitch up the trailer; 她的裙子给钉子 ~ 住了。 Her skirt got caught on a nail. ❺ [方] (牵挂) keep in mind;be concerned about:记 ~ keep thing about;miss;be concerned about; 她总是 ~ 着母亲的病。 She's very worried about her mother's illness. ❻ [方] (蒙上;糊着) be coated with;be covered with:瓦盆里面 ~ 了一层釉子。 The earthen pot is glazed inside. 药丸 ~ 了一层糖衣。 The pills are coated with sugar. ❼ (登记) put on record;register:你 ~ 的是几号? What's your registration number? 我要 ~ 外科。 I want to register for surg ̄ery.;Surgery,please. Ⅱ (用于成套或成串的东西) a set or string (of things):一 ~ 鞭 a string of firecrackers; 一 ~ 大车 a horse and cart ◆挂壁 wall built-up; 挂表 pocket watch; 挂彩 decorate with coloured silk festoons;decorate for festive occasions;be wounded in action; 挂车 hand car;trailer;two-wheeler; 挂齿 mention; 挂挡 put into gear;engage a gear; 挂[张]灯结彩 hang up lamps and drape festoons;decorate with lanterns and colored hangings;be decorated with festive lanterns and bunting;hang lanterns and festoons;be festooned with lights and streamers;hang up lanterns and colored bunting; 挂锄 put away the hoe (for the winter);finish hoeing; 挂斗 trailer; 挂肚牵肠 be much worried about;be deeply concerned;cause deep personal concern; 挂断电话 ring off;hang up; 挂钩 {交} couple (two railway coaches);articulate;link up with;establish contact with;get in touch with; tieback;pullback;shackle;hitch;hitching;drawbar;coupling;{电工} dropper;hook hitch;latch hook;towing eye; 挂冠而去 hang one's hat on a rafter [beam] and leave — take French leave; 挂冠封印 resign and go home;hang up the cap and close up the seal — give up office and leave the place; 挂冠归里 retire; 挂号 register (at a hospital,etc.);send by registered mail; 挂花 be wounded in action; 挂幌子 [方] (of shops) put up a signboard to advertise goods;give oneself away; 挂火 [方] be furious;flare up; 挂镰 {农} put away the sickle;complete the year's harvest; 挂历 wall calendary;calendary; 挂零 odd; 挂虑 be anxious about;worry about;have sth. on one's mind; 挂马掌 click the horse; 挂满 overwork;drape; 挂免战牌 hang up a truce sign — to refuse battle; 挂面 fine dried noodles;vermicelli; 挂名 titular;nominal;only in name; 挂名夫妻 husband and wife in name only;a false couple; 挂名股东 nominal partner; 挂名职务 sinecure; 挂念 lie at sb.'s heart;worry about sb. who is absent;miss; 挂牌 hang out one's shingle;put up one's brass plate; 挂牌服务 putting up one's shingle and serving the people; 挂牌公司 registed company; 挂牌证券 quoted securities; 挂屏 hanging panel; 挂起 hang-u;挂绳 sling; 挂失 report the loss of (identity papers,checks,etc.); 挂帅 be in command;assume command;assume leadership; 挂锁 padlock;{木} ring latch; 挂毯 tapestry; 挂图 wall map;hanging chart;wall chart; 挂瓦 tile hanging;hanging tile; 挂线盒 ceiling rose; 挂线疗法 {中医} ligation therapy;ligating method for treating anal fistula;thread-drawing therapy; 挂心 keep in mind;be concerned about;be anxious for; 挂靴 retire from a football team; 挂羊头,卖狗肉 sell horse-meat as beefsteak;sell dog-meat under the label of a sheep's head;sell a pig in a poke;hang up a sheep's head and sell dog-meat;try to palm off sth. inferior to what it purports to be;hang up a lamb's head but sell dog's meat;cry up wine and sell vinegar;pass off fish-eyes as pearls; 挂一漏万 [谦] For one thing cited,ten thousand may have been left out — the list is far from being complete.;list one item while missing 10,000 others;think of one and omit ten thousand — leave much to be desired;I may have left out many important facts [cases].;挂衣钩 clothes-hook; 挂印而逃 flee from one's post; 挂帐 buyer sbuying on credit; 挂招牌 display a signboard;put up a signboard; 挂钟 wall clock;wag-on-the-wall; 挂轴 hanging scroll (of Chinese painting or calligraphy) 挂hang up; put up 双方有分歧的地方可以~起来。Differences can be shelved (or laid aside) for the time being./把这一件事先~一~再说。Let’s leave the matter aside for the moment./他把电话~了。He hung up./请别~电话。Please hold the line./~看马列主义的招牌pose as Marxist-Leninist |